Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fireworks Redux

The stinging brigade was unleashed tonight.

And flowers took to the air ...


Family Man said...


I do believe ya'll did have a good bit of fireworks. We had none since there is a ban here, but last night there were still people setting them off. I woke up this morning and thought, "Wow - the house didn't burn down last night from all the fireworks". :)

olivia said...

I hope you had a blast ... ;~)

Iowa Victory Gardener said...

FM, these were just a small sample of what we had, though we did reserve some goodies for future use, including a couple more of the Killer Bees (which are really cool), the Garden Party fountain and the Flowers Dancing one ... there were so many from neighbors brought into the mix, we just got the show going. Fortunately no mishaps, fires or other dire events! Whew