Saturday, May 30, 2009

In Which I Become an Economic Casualty

First off, I'd like to apologize for this unplanned hiatus in my posting the last week or so, and to extend my deepest appreciation and thanks to those who have emailed me recently inquiring if things were ok here at Casa IVG. These expressions of concern have really meant a lot to me and lifted my spirits in the past few days....

I'll be blunt and get this over with: I haven't been posting because a week ago this past Wednesday, I lost my job, due to deep staffing cuts brought about by the financial woes of the company I worked for for almost 10 years. So far I'd escaped all the previous cuts, but not this time. Needless to say, I've been pretty laid low emotionally and spiritually by this unwelcome change in the course of my life. I'm still getting my head around the whole scenario before me (unemployment, job search and all), so frankly, for the past week, I've just not been able to put this all into words and mostly avoided the internet and especially the blog. Though technically, I'm on vacation now (I found this out 2 days before I was to begin a long-delayed week of vacation) and will be for the next several weeks (I had that much time built up but never taken ... due to work), then I'll have to rely on Unemployment until I can find other suitable work.

So there you have it, short and not so sweet. But life will go on, assuredly, just a little more unsure and bumpier than usual, at least for a while....

The garden, however, is forever, and continues its march into Summer, which you'll soon be seeing again on these humble pages ... that much is certain. We've been making some good progress in the past week (though this week was pretty much a rainy and cool washout) ... we have most of the veggies already planted and more will go into the ground this weekend, so there's plenty to talk about in the coming weeks. We've got a bit of a backlog built up of the flowers currently blooming so I've got material to keep me busy here ... so just be patient!

The first project I tackled after being "let go" (yeah, I was really chomping at that leash, yearning to be 'liberated') was cleaning up our overwhelmed and messy porch so we could re-open the summer "Cabana Room" we like to use as our lounge during the summer months. There was so much Halloween and Christmas stuff still stored out there that it took me an entire day to organize, clean, sweep and vacuum to get the space into shape for habitation once again. At this point, we're almost there ... we still need to move a couple of shelves and hang some appropriate summer lighting, and then we'll be there. That, as you can see, hasn't stopped Hanna from enjoying her whole new room to exploit ... we have a table (where we often eat on summer evenings), a few chairs and a bench that we need to get in perfect position, but Princess Hanna has already claimed a couple of chairs to herself, just like Pepa used to do....

Like Pepa, Hanna clearly is entranced by having a prime vantage point on our little corner of the neighborhood, and this week, when given the chance, she's spent a good portion of the day out there on her "throne" observing the goings on in her little corner of the universe. This was hard work, well spent on my part, to get this room back into habitable shape for the summer months, and you'll no doubt be seeing more views from here....

When in the living room, Hanna loves to keep an eye on what's going on in the Woodland Garden on the North side of the house ... though she often perches "vulture style" on the top of the couch, we happened to catch her all stretched out and peering out the window. Just another one of the many cute poses we see her strike on a daily basis, but we don't always have the camera handy!

I was just remarking tonight, as we both enjoyed watching It Happened One Night again (thanks, TCM!), that even though it's only been slightly over 4 months since Hanna came to live with us, it seems that she's always been here ... all those little doggie things we become accustomed to seeing and expecting are so clearly in place. She's home. Hanna will be my attentive fan while I'm cooking, Hanna will choose her lounging spot while we watch a movie, Hanna will tell us when she needs to go out, when she wants to play, when it's "walkie" time ... the list goes on. And all you dog lovers and owners know exactly what I mean by that....

And that's a great comfortable stability dogs give us, even in the most unstable of times. I know I'm going to need it, and Hanna seems ready to provide it in spades, as best she can. Her arrival in our lives happened at just the right time, and for once synchronicity has worked in our favor. Thanks again, Pepa.....


  1. IVG - I don't know what to say other than I am so sorry to hear about your job situation. Hang in there! I'm not really sure what industry you are in but I'm sure you will bounce back and find another rewarding position. Best of luck to you.

    As for Hanna - I know EXACTLY what you mean by all those "doggie" things. Dogs fill a void like no other. What would we do without them?

  2. Yes, hang in there! I "left" my 13+ year career at Chrysler 6 months ago. The job market here in Detroit isn't very welcoming at this time so I've been spending my days enjoying the yard, garden and painting the house. Oh and blogging!

    Now WHERE is that resume???

  3. Hello IVG! So glad to be hearing from you again. I was getting worried too. As so many people have said, (so many that I can no longer remember who to credit), one door closes so that another can open. Dear Pepa had to leave so she could show you Hanna. You lost you job so you can find a better direction to go in your professional life. But it's easy to see you personal life is just fine!! Yahoo!!! Relax and enjoy this free time (luckily it's not in the winter) and play with all the little home duties you've been puttin off for so long. Who knows, maybe it's time to write that book.... starring all your dear furkids. Maybe? Perhaps?

    I definitely understand about getting directions from doggies. We are still adjusting and searching after losing #1 five years ago and #2 6 mos ago.

    Everything is going to work out just fine. I can see that. All three of you take good care and lots of hugs all around.

  4. Hi IVG. I'm so sorry about the job. I'm so happy you have Hanna.

  5. IVG, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your job. Is there any thought that should the economic situation turn around, you could be re-hired?

    Your Monarda looks wonderful, the Sea Holly did very well in my outdoor Winter (milk jug) greenhouses, and the rue is growing well (midst several columbine, at this point). I am so appreciative!

  6. Here's hoping everything goes well. I may just not bother looking for more work if I end up behind you in The Line. At least you immediately did something productive on your downtime.

    Another guy on a email list I'm on lost his job yesterday. He's working his connections though & isn't too concerned.

  7. Hi Beth,
    Thanks for the kind thoughts, of course ... I've been working in Marketing Research (mostly as a moderator/interviewer/analyst) for the better part of 10 years, though it's far from my original background! (Teaching)

    Anyway, it's not going to be easy, but in a way I'm ready to re-invent myself again ....

    We can't live without a dog, as you know! Amazing that we made it just over a month after Pepa and Rolly died before Hanna arrived. But those were doggedly pre-ordained circumstances, I'm convinced now....

  8. Hey Eric,
    Yeah, I knew you were in that situation too from reading your blog ... sorry you went south along with Chrysler. Detroit's a tough market, I know, so we can both wish each other the best of luck in tough times. I plan on getting stuff done around here too, just to keep from going bonkers!

  9. Hi Coneflower,
    Actually that was the French poet Alfred de Musset who first coined that phrase back in the 19th century, but it was so good and true that we still quote it! Thanks for reminding me ... you're such a dear!

    I do intend to get some long delayed projects done around here (like bringing order to my junk crammed office here!), and yeah, better summer than winter for sure!

    I'm a pest, I know, but have you considered a new furkid for you? It's probably been enough time and just check out sometime to see all the amazing pups in need of homes out there. I would have never found Hanna if Coco hadn't tipped me off to that website! But Pepa surely orchestrated the whole deal, of that I'm convinced... I bet she's enjoying being on the porch again vicariously through Hanna!

  10. Hey Olivia,
    Thanks, Toots. I know Hanna is going to be a great help and support. She'll hop in and save us yet again, I'm sure....

  11. Hi Shady,
    Thanks, but I doubt that would happen, and honestly, I don't think I'd accept going back. Too much stressful history there.

    I'm so glad to hear your plants are doing well! Whenever you need more Monarda, you know where to ask! :-)

    Don't remember if I ever told you, but Rue and Basil are plant adversaries (we read that in an herbal) so they should be kept apart, at long distance! I don't know what happens if they get together, but I don't care to see a match of floral fisticuffs!

  12. Hey FAR,
    Thanks, pal. I don't have the option not to search, but I may have to get creative somehow! We'll see how it goes ... I've been considering doing another blog (perhaps private) to chronicle what happens ... do you think that's a good idea?

    After all, you're the guy who just finished a novel!!!

  13. I'm not FarFetched but I am FarAway. Does that let me give an opinion?

    I think the idea of a private blog to chronicle this part of your life is an excellent idea. You could save your thoughts and reflect back again. It might help to put it down on "paper".

  14. You could go private, or just have an open "dark side" blog that isn't linked to your public effort. Or just run it all together here and use the "unemployment" label to group them together as needed. Whichever one is most comfortable for you!

  15. Hi Coneflower,
    Of course I'd love to hear your opinion ... didn't mean to exclude anyone, I just thought FAR might have a good perspective given he has several blogs.

    You nailed exactly what I was thinking ... it could be a therapeutic exercise and who knows, maybe it might even grow into something more meaningful. Thanks for weighing in!

  16. Thanks, FAR ... I had considered both those options and wondered what your thoughts were, given you have a couple of other blogs. I think I might just go with a separate one if this takes off, and perhaps open it up if I come up with anything decent or if there's interest.

  17. Dear IVG...Oh, expletive, expletive! I was concerned that something like this happened when you hinted that there were goings on! I shall offer no advice, just an ear!

    The photos of hannah are too cute...she knows how to pose for the camera~~

    hang in there and take care....I am glad you have Fernymoss and Hannah.



Go green and get your hands dirty!