Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pup Pose du Jour

In case anyone has been wondering what Hanna does during the day when I am working in my office, here are a couple of typical shots (at least on days when I can have the window open) of how she satisfies her insatiable natural curiosity....

Usually, in the morning after she's been out and had her breakfast, she nests down in the blanket on the old futon couch I have in here and snoozes off and on, occasionally getting up to see what's going on outside the window....

Later in the afternoon (usually around 3:00-3:30 or so) she stakes out a position at the window, watching some skateboard kids play in the intersection (yes, they really do that!) on their way home from school. So far, she's not impressed with noisy skateboards, and often barks at them until I call her off ... then she grumbles and mutters at me for scolding her about the barking. Then she begins bringing me her toys (spiny bone, Kongs, etc.) to play for a while ... I take little breaks to play tug of war with the bone, toss the Kongs around a bit and then go back to work ... she then settles down and waits patiently until I can quit for the day and she gets her dinner. It's remarkable how patient she is about me being stuck in a chair working all day long as she watches ... I really think she's become aware that this is Daddy working and does her best to be a good girl ... which of course she is! Every day we marvel at how easy she has fit in and thank Pepa for sending her our way ... we know made the right decision at just the right time!


  1. Hannah is just too cute - I love her mis-matched ears! And the snoozie attack down below is priceless! I'm glad that she is fitting in so well!

  2. What is it with dogs and windows? they love them and are fascinated about what is going on outside. And what dumb person came up with the phrase, dogs are dumb animals? Arrrrrghhh!

  3. I've always thought animals are the most patient creatures. People on the other had ...;)

  4. Sounds like a pretty good arrangement… do you ever get up in the mid-day to get a brain-break & Hanna walk?

    Cone, it's like TV, only without the remote. My cats are huge fans of the nightly Bug Show at the glass door. Oh, and "dumb" in "dumb animals" refers to the older meaning, unable to speak.

  5. Hi Dog Geek,
    I'm biased of course, but isn't she just? :-)

    She had quite the day today ... I had an appointment downtown, and since it was Fernymoss' day off, he dropped me off and took Hanna for a walking adventure around the Court Ave. District ... she did fantastically around all sorts of strangers and made a lot people smile, apparently. Then she got to go where he works to meet a co-worker who has been wanting to meet her ... so she was quite the social pup today! And she's been a pooped pup ever since, lol.

    Hanna's big day out!

  6. Hey Coneflower,
    All my dogs have been window watchers, and Pepa was a notorious fixture where I used to live ... like a little gargoyle on a chair peering out ... Hanna is well on her way to picking up that duty from her!

    Hanna is in no way dumb (other than incapable of human speech) that's for sure! We're constantly amazed at how bright she is ... but then again, that's something I've always loved about Terriers!

  7. Hi Marnie,
    LOL, you sure got that one right! Even the always ebullient terriers have it in spades ... glad Hanna does too. People? Grrrr....

  8. Hey FAR,
    I don't break much during the day since I work at home and really insist on delineating "my time" vs. "company time" (I have to!)

    I do take periodic breaks to take Hanna out and play with her though. Walkies is Fernymoss' favorite thing to do when he gets home from work, and believe me, Hanna knows what time that is!

    When I lived in FL and had Coco, she was totally entertained day and night by lying by the sliding patio doors and watching the little geckos running around out there ... fascinating stuff (for dogs) I guess! (Ok, I thought they were cute too and watched along as well....)

  9. Hey, a brain-break is a brain-break. Doesn't matter if you're at an office or working at home. ;-)

    I was out & about yesterday, getting Lemon Balm plants, and a lady had her Brittany Spaniel with her. She (the dog) was a real sweetie. "Loves to go shopping." Even as a cat person, I like the larger Spaniels.

  10. Hey FAR,
    About that Brittany, they're very sweet dogs, at least in my experience with them. Never met one I didn't like! You would have loved Rolly ... he was part Brittany and part some kind of "farm dog." He was a quintessential spaniel though...

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