Monday, March 09, 2009

The Snowdrops Have Finally Arrived!

Some tentative signs of spring have finally arrived in our neighborhood ... at least the first snowdrops have broken the ground! Actually these clumps (in the far back garden where it's much sunnier than out front) first emerged on February 25 (the first two shots) and were promptly buried again by snow and then that torrential rain-hail event we had the day after that. But, true to their tough reputation, they persevered and are now entering into full bloom.
This first shot shows the flowers just breaking through the surface and beginning to unfold their leaves .. I first thought these might be crocus, but closer examination revealed that no, these were indeed Snowdrops. This particular clump has migrated a bit from the original planting and appears to be doing quite nicely spreading out around the area. We're glad to see them gradually forming more small drifts of flowers each spring, which is precisely what we wanted them to do over time. These were some of the very first bulbs we planted over 8 years ago and every year we're thrilled to see them arrive and bring more of their friends with them, because where Snowdrops are concerned, the more the merrier! We'd love to plant several more big masses of them, but for some reason, Snowdrops are a very pricey bulb for such a small flower ... averaging just under a dollar a piece, which seems inordinate to me, but hey I don't set the prices. Maybe one of these days we'll find a mega sale on them and we can plant them everywhere, but for now, we just have 3 areas where they grow, out back where these are, in the Primrose bed and a few in our original bulb bed by the sidewalk. Fernymoss told me today that the ones out front are just beginning to come up, so I should have photos of those soon!
Here's the more developed clump ... as you can see the flowers are just beginning to emerge from their stems ... then nasty weather hit for two days (Snow, Rain, Hail!) and I was afraid to go check on their progress (besides it was like a lake in the backyard!) until late last week.
Friday I could tell from the window that they were indeed blooming now, so after work I headed out (swamp and all) and took some pictures ... They're coming along quite nicely now! I'm glad to see them finally arrive, and given the chilly weather we're due to have this week, I think they'll stick around for a while. Snowdrop blooms can last quite a while as long as the weather doesn't turn off hot (fat chance of that here right now!), so they should be around long enough to join the crocus when they finally get going, so look forward to much more of them together.

Honestly, I'm getting really impatient for the crocus to appear! Both of us have been scouring areas of the gardens where they will come up and haven't seen a single sign of them yet ... I think it's going to take a few days of really nice, sunny weather to spur them along, but when they pop, we're looking forward to a veritable explosion of crocus!

And yes, I'm a bit antsy about that ... I've had more than my fill of winter and all its "bugs" that have been hitting me all winter long! Last Tuesday-Thursday I was hit with yet another intestinal bug that gave me intense and very painful stomach cramps along with everyone's favorite, vomiting as well. Tuesday and Wednesday night were miserable and I could hardly sleep at all and it was Friday night before I had much solid food other than saltines and toast, but finally I was able to work my way back to some scrambled eggs. Oddly enough, at some indeterminate point on Friday afternoon, I suddenly felt all better, so apparently that particular nasty bug finally decided to exit my system. Thanks for leaving, and please don't come back will ya? It seems like I've had every single thing that has come through town this winter and have been sick off and on since Christmas, and I think I deserve a break! Anyway, I hope you helped yourself to the cheese while I whined there....
Ok, excuse me, but I still can't resist precious puppy moments ... here's Hanna from Friday night as we were watching John Waters' A Dirty Shame ... obviously this one didn't capture her interest any more than Wallace and Gromit the previous week. I guess she's just not a movie dog, though she has shown some interest in The Dog Whisperer and a few Animal Planet shows we've watched recently, mostly because they had barking dogs in them, I think. But then she had played really hard with Lacey several times Friday night and I think at the point I took this shot, they had both been played out and Hanna didn't even twitch when I took a whole series of her ... she was totally out to lunch, curled up in a ball and didn't move until we got ready to head upstairs....Actually she pulled a funny stunt last night after she got all wound up playing with Lacey (who then tired and quit playing) ... she started tearing around the room at breakneck speed, running behind all the curtains, couch and furniture multiple times before sailing across the living room toward the couch ... she made a minor miscalculation in jumping and rammed head on into the base of the couch! She paused briefly, as if saying, "I meant to do that!," then jumped up on the couch and curled up. We were both cracking up because it was such a classic cartoonish moment, one that made me think of Pee Wee Herman on his bike. It's moments like those that make us savor every silly puppy moment she gives us ... she's such a happy energetic pup who really knows how to live in the moment. I think in that respect she has a lot to teach us. It's rarely a dull moment with Hanna around!

Well, Lacey went home today and it's much quieter (and oddly more spacious) around here now. I'm sure Lacey is home now, relishing the peace and quiet without a crazy puppy pestering her to play at every instant ... she's such a patient and loving dog. I do think the two of them did bond somewhat over the week or so we had Lacey around and by last night they were even snuggling up together briefly, but the best thing was that there were no spats or too much jealousy exhibited. We're just hoping that Hanna filed away those good puppy tips Lacey had to pass on to her ... I think she will. She's a great little dog with a good start and learns so fast that we have really high hopes for her ... we just have to keep her busy and stimulated. Which reminds me, it's about time to play "find the treats" again ... it's a game we used to play with Pepa and Rolly ... very simple actually ... the dog must leave the room while we go around and plant bits of dog food in the room, out in plain sight, but odd places (windowsills, baseboards, ledges, etc.) then let Hanna back in, tell her to find the treats and she gets busy! The last time we played with her, it took her about an hour to find all the pieces (there were a lot) but she was a happy pup when she finished!

Now a few words about A Dirty Shame ...
Our Friday night dinner and a movie was purely escapist and frivolous, as only John Waters can deliver ... so this week's choice was easy ... when everything else sounds blah, delve into the Waters! I know many of you may not be familiar with John Waters, other than perhaps Hairspray, but he's been an obsession of mine for many years ... I've followed every film of his since Mondo Trasho, Multiple Maniacs and the infamous Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble since the late 1970's. I've watched with fascination how he's morphed into more "mainstream" filmmaking over the years with films such as Polyester, Hairspray, Cry Baby and Pecker, and have generally been pretty approving of these works, even if they strayed pretty far from his original radical épater le bourgeois ("outrage the bourgeois") type trash fests. With a couple of exceptions I find somewhat questionable, Serial Mom, Cecil B. Demented, I love his entire trashy oeuvre. (Did you know William S. Burroughs gave him the moniker of "Pope of Trash?")

Now, Waters' films are not for everyone. In fact they generally aim to offend, outrage and make you laugh at the absurdity of we silly humans. No obsession is spared, no fetish or foible is spared ... Waters lays it all out for ample mockery. If all you've seen is Hairspray (hopefully the Waters non-musical version), there's a whole world behind all of that awaiting you, and it's not always pretty, but it's funny as hell.

So ... it was with slavering anticipation that I awaited the arrival of A Dirty Shame back in 2004. Alas, this film got such a pitiful release (only in big cities) that it never made it to Des Moines, or else no one would book it, I'm not sure which. That was a pity, because this is perhaps the funniest Waters film in about 30 years, and is, in many ways, a throwback to his earlier, trashier and more jubilant films. I've always wondered if he had this idea filed away somewhere from way back because it seems like such a fit for his regulars such as Divine, Edie Massey, Mink Stole and the rest of the Dreamland crew of yore ... but no matter, how he finally brought this to the screen is brilliance. Casting the likes of Tracey Ullmann (that woman can do no wrong!), Johnny Knoxville and Chris Isaak, it had to be good!

The plot, quite simply, relates the war between the "sex addicts" and the "neuters," who engage in battle in modern day Baltimore, centering around the tawdry "Pack n'Sack" convenienence store run by Ullmann and Isaak. One morning, as Sylvia Stickles (Ullmann) heads to the store, she runs out of gas, gets out of her car and is whacked on the head by a passing vehicle, which leads a to life changing moment ... at that point she becomes a sex addict who is rescued by Ray Ray (Knoxville) and introduced to a whole new life diametrically opposed to her humdrum sex negative life. What follows is a compendium of sexual perversions and fetishes as we meet the various denizens of the sex addict community, all to hilarious results. Even Waters admits he doesn't think some of these are for real, but he just had to include them for comic effect.

So if you've ever been wondering what "Yodeling in the canyon" is, or a "double decker" or what a "plate job" is, this is the film that will reveal the answers for you. I've omitted a few of the more unsavory references (well, quite a few of them!) but this should give you a flavor of what's in store. It's all in good natured Watersian fun and if you approach this film with the right attitude, it should be a lot of fun (we got our requisite bellyaches of laughs as always). Obviously, if you have kids around the house, make sure they're fast asleep unless you want to be answering uncomfortable questions for quite some time! "Daddy, why is that guy eating dirt?" "Why is that man dressed up like a baby?" "Why is that woman's crotch burning?"

Thankfully, dogs don't ask those kinds of questions.


  1. I love the snowdrops! I planted some a few years ago that I bought from neighborhood kids doing a school fundraiser, but they never came up. Our first crocuses have come up, though!

  2. We have green things poking up from the ground... (scraches head) :) And today we got more snow.

    I've been out of the loop, IVG, as my mom has been hospitalized for CFG and other things. We were told to bring my kids up to say goodbye. We made it through this week but probably have about 6 weeks.

    I'm exhausted in more ways than one. Driving up to Centralia and back. Most of the time leaving the kids behind which makes me a stress monster. And also working. Plus dealing with my mom's family hasn't made it too easy. They've been kind, but we only stay around them for an hour. Anyone can be nice and diplomatic for an hour.

    Anyways... all most love and Hanna hugs.

  3. Heh, in the second pic the snowdrops look like they're giving winter the finger!

    We watched Robin Hood: Men in TIghts over the weekend, which was pretty funny too… and had about the maximum amount of trashy that Mrs. Fetched is able to tolerate (poor thing).

    Good to hear Hanna got wore out a little bit… but of course, that only makes her stronger. I used to wear the kids out with an evening walk, although by summer's end it no longer fazed them.

  4. Hi IVG. I'm glad that you're (hopefully) finished with the "bugs". No doubt that you'll welcome winter's end.

    A flower post! I like those snowdrops. I've really got to get some bulbs for next year. Usually I just get lazy and fall back on old reliables, including < whispering > impatiens, the flowers that shall not be named.

    Maybe I'll check out that film. I believe that I remember hearing about it when it came out. But the last couple of years have been filled with kids' movies and the like.

    Janet, hugs to you.

  5. Hi Dog Geek,
    Glad you like the snowdrops! It's too bad yours never came up, you should try again because they've always been really easy for us!

    Still no crocuses here! I'm beyond impatient now...

  6. Hi Janet!
    You'll know what the green things are when they bloom. :-)

    Sorry to hear about your mom, that sounds like an emotional and overwhelming situation for all of you. I know you'll all manage to handle it somehow, but I'm sure it will be trying. Remember, you're a tough babe! At least in my universe you are! :-)

    My thoughts are with you in this stressful time and I hope I'll have some fresh flowers just for you soon!

    Big hugs from us and lots of puppy kisses from little Hanna!

  7. Hey FAR,
    I hadn't thought that about those flowers, but you have a point! I'd be flipping winter off if I were them too!

    Never saw that particular Brooks film, not sure why, but I got Fernymoss his very own DVD of Young Frankenstein for Christmas though we haven't watched it yet. I love "Puttin' on the Ritz!"

    I suspect A Dirty Shame might put Mrs. Fetched over the edge, but I bet you'd get a hoot and a holler out of it ... maybe you and TB could watch it together sometime. You might just freak him out with that one, hehe.

  8. Hey B2,
    I sure hope I'm done with those bugs too!

    I'm getting anxious to get more flower posts going soon if the weather would just cooperate! We're in a real chilly, rainy spell here now, but at least it's not snow....

    Ahem, Torenia my friend, you won't regret it!

    As for that movie, I neglected to say in the post that if you do rent it, make sure you get the NC-17 version for the full effect, NOT the "neuter" R version. I read that the hilarious "Hokey Pokey" scene involving the Evian bottle was cut from the R version and it's hilarious!

    Maybe the Boran Boy could spend the night at a friend's that night, lol.

  9. Thanks IVG

    We have a ton of movies. Our favorite naughty is "Blazing Saddles" (that movie couldn't be made nowadays I think)

    I'm going to netflix Shame soon. For a night I just want to turn off my brain :)

  10. Always amazes me what a difference 90 miles can make, I have nothing poking up through the ground yet. Hanna is sooooo pretty!

    Rosie is doing well after her hip surgery, I need to get the second one scheduled, I am dreading it.

  11. Hi again Janet!
    I haven't seen "Blazing Saddles" in years and should again ... I got my folks to take me to that in theatres when I was a kid (so I could get in an R movie) and my dad thought that was the most hilarious movie he ever saw and talked about it for years.

    I think you'll get a kick out of "Shame" ... not sure you want the kids around though, but if they were mine (and that age) I'd let them watch ... just be warned! Then again, they might think it's totally lame!

  12. Hi IGW!
    Well, our only green so far is those snowdrops (unless you count the hollies) and the green, but tattered primroses out front that look that way all winter.

    Glad you like Hanna! She's working out sooo well and she's really brought the house back to life...

    Good to hear Rosie is doing well (talk about a pretty girl!) and I can understand your dread about the next surgery, but I'm sure she'll do fine and then it will all be done, right?

  13. I'm going to have to take another look outdoors. What I assumed were grape hyacinths and/or early crocus may well be snowdrops. (Judging from your first photo!) Good to see they've been blooming at your house. Mine were new plantings last Fall... perhaps it will take them a bit longer?

    This morning it's back to 12 degrees. How are your flowers? I'm just as happy most of my early plants are only an inch or so above the ground!

  14. How can you be so far ahead of me? Nothing sprouting here.

    It's great to have visitors but relaxing to see them go home;)

  15. Hi! Love the snowdrops. I don't have anything blooming yet, but tulips that I planted last fall are peeking through bravely. We've had sun and warmish temps lately so they're pretty happy. My indoor seedling starts are my big excitment.

  16. Hi Shady,
    Yes, it was very frigid here this morning when I first took Hanna out ... 8 degrees! I didn't look at the snowdrops up close (they're way in the back) but they didn't look too happy. And tonight it's supposed to get down near zero!

    I'm just as glad that things are still hiding out until this cold moderates somewhat! We've had things killed off early in the last several years, so don't want any more of that!

  17. Hi Marnie,
    We can't be that far ahead of you actually... those snowdrops are the only things up, primarily because that's a very sunny spot in the back. I do imagine you are a bit further north than us if I have your area envisioned correctly.

    Yeah, company is nice, true... but it's always nice to have a quiet uncrowded house again!

  18. Hi Coneflower,
    I just popped over to see your seedling update ... they're really coming along! You'll definitely want to thin those tomatoes a bit when they get bigger ... just select the sturdiest looking ones and pluck the rest (they can go to compost) so they get bigger. Definitely plant your chives out when it's time ... they are perennial you know? We have them in several spots in the herb and veggie gardens and they're good for your soil too!

  19. I miss snowdrops, IVG - they'd made good-sized clumps at our house in IL. Can't grow snowdrops or tulips here but couldn't grow crinum or Oxblood Lilies there, so guess it's a fair trade.

    Okay, you (and the adorable Chris Isaak and Tracy Ullman) convinced me to put A Dirty Shame in the queue. Whether I'll get up the nerve to move it to top and watch it remains to be seen!

    It's been a rough winter for you - you sound held together with string and masking tape. Could you have even made it to mid-March without Hanna?

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose.

  20. I'm glad your Snowdrops finally bloomed. I'm still on Crocus watch here too. If it hadn't gotten so cold, I bet my Crocuses would be in bloom by now.
    I hope you're done being sick. Eat yogurt to get that good bacteria back in your system.
    Hanna is such a little cutey. I just can't get enough puppy photos.
    I have to disagree with you about Cecil B. Demented. I thought it was hilarious. I was a little weirded out by the chick with the facial hair, but otherwise it was a lot of fun. (Okay, maybe not as fun as "Lust in the Dust," but Divine isn't with us anymore.) We haven't seen "A Dirty Shame." I'll have to check if our library has it.

  21. Hi Annie,
    That's too bad you had to make the trade, but it does seem somewhat fair (I'll keep my snowdrops, thank you!) I loved that Texas Mountain Laurel, Drunken Bean, etc. thing you have posted now. I'm sure that wouldn't grow for us, but you sure are lucky! It's gorgeous...

    Honestly, if you've seen any of the early Waters films, "Dirty Shame" won't surpass them, don't worry. Come on, Chris Isaak and Tracey? They're so much fun!

    Yeah, it has been rough the past six months or so, but Spring will make me feel better and YES, Hanna has been a furry little blessing for both of us! She was a naughty girl today while I was at work meetings downtown, but she is still a puppy, and a terrier at that, so we've already forgiven her, after several stern scoldings. :-)

  22. Hi MMD,
    Still crocus watch here too! It would be nice to see some by next Saturday, 21 March! Not sure if that's going to happen, but you'll see it here when it does....

    Yogurt is a good idea! I should get some this weekend ... and you can count on seeing plenty more puppy pics!

    Ok, I had issues with Cecil B... mostly becaues of that horrid Melanie Griffith ... I know she was playing a parody of herself, but herself is so icky I couldn't even buy that with the rest of the wonderful cast. Ah, I miss Divine too, really a one of a kind person!

    If you do find "Shame" at the library, it will probably be the R version, which is lacking a particular hilarious scene involving Tracey U... but if it's free... Do make sure the kids are away or in bed or don't blame me!

  23. Hi IVG, When our son and dog visit we are thrilled...I wish they lived across town and not in RI! We do relax when they leave, too!

    Love the beautiful snowdrops...does this mean it is officially almost spring in your garden?

    I do hope all is well for your household!


  24. Hi Gail,
    Too bad your grandpup isn't closer ... as I recall she's a real cutie from the pictures you posted. I'm sure it is a relief for you when they leave since you're not used to having a pup around. They are quite different from cats, you know! :-)

    I think it's almost officially spring (well, it will be in less than a week), whether the weather cooperates or not is another matter. But we are predicted to have highs in the low 70s tomorrow and 60s the rest of the week, so with abundant sunshine, things should start popping here!

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