Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hanna's Sunny Gallery

After our recent snowy and chilly spell last week, It was very nearly an almost maybe Spring day here today! The sun was out, there was melting galore going on and the temperature made it up into the upper 50s, so can the spring bulbs be far behind? As I keep saying, we'll see because this evening it has cooled down considerably and it may only make it into the upper 30s Thursday, with a 90% chance of rain, sleet, snow or whatever happens to come along, thanks to the temperature. And with no flowers just yet, our favorite subject remains Hanna for the moment!
With the abundant sun coming in to warm and delight the houseplants, Hanna clearly decided that it was time to stop and smell the schefflera plant at the base of the stairs and take a little advantage of the sun streaming in. It's hard to believe she's only been here for a little over a month because she has totally taken possession of the house and now has her favorite lounging spots all figured out ... couch, bed, chair, futon couch, sunny stairs ... I think it's an embarrassment of riches for a pup her age (now 10 months)!
On sunny days while I'm working, she spends her time divided between the sunny spots she tracks along the stairs and up in my office. In fact we must have some really sunny-attractive spots for a dog, since Hanna haunts many of the same places Pepa and Rolly used to love on sunny days ... she may just be getting some tips from them on the best spots to lounge...
Both Fernymoss and I thought that this photo catches her in a "mysterious" moment when she'll give us one of these looks that we can't tell if it's just curiosity or if there's something even more devious going on inside her little head ... whatever the case may be, she already knows full well how to strike a pose for the camera, whether she likes it or not! (I think it's safe to say the camera is in love with her though....)
Finally, here's where Hanna spends much of the afternoon (on sunny days) while I'm at work in my office just around the corner at the top of the stairs ... she moves across the stair and landing as the sun progresses throughout the day, and generally, when it disappears she comes back into my office again and perches on the futon couch where she can look out the window across the street. That is, of course, until it's time for her late afternoon 'out' which is immediately followed by dinner and a treat, then it's back to her perch again until Fernymoss gets home and takes her out for her evening "walkies." AH ... to live a dog's life!

But maybe the fabled "dog's life" might not be all we imagine it to be, as this short film demonstrates ... it's narrated from the perspective of a dog named Speck as he reflects on his life in his seventh year with his owner in the UK. I've posted this video before, and if you've seen it, it deserves another look, whereas if you haven't, you're in for a touching and humorous treat that will make you recast your own relationship with your dog (if you have one). Take a look, and let me know what you think!

Photos taken on 25 February, 2009. Fernymoss took the first three, and I caught Hanna sunning later in the day.... Oh yeah, I've also been playing around with some of the frame effects in my photo editing program just for fun ... what do you think?


  1. Loved your photos of Hanna. My cats are like that. They keep moving so they can lay in the little patches of sunlight.

  2. It looks like Hanna knows she fell into a delightful situation and appreciates it. Guess all of you are appreciating the sun.

    IVG, you seem to like the zombie stuff so maybe this short youtube of an Austin goth-zombie parade here from last Halloween would interest you. Just got the link from the filmmaker so it's out of season but shows some people who like to keep Austin weird.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  3. Hi Marnie,
    I'm wondering if you got our stormy weather later today ... looked like it might be heading your way on the radar after it came through....

    Glad you liked the photos (Hanna says thanks!) Isn't that fun to watch them move about the house to catch those rays before they go away?

  4. Hi Annie,
    We all think Hanna est tombée bien as well! (FR: literally: "she fell well," as in a stroke of luck) I think the appreciation is felt by all! We are enjoying the sun we're getting, but no more today, we had severe storms!

    I guess you've missed my other zombie themed posts ... love the zombie renaissance of late and we do catch some of the more recent movies (Shaun of the Dead and Fido are faves), but I'm by no means a fanatic.

    I look forward to checking out the link you sent... thanks!

  5. Hey B2,
    Hanna's glad you like her! She sure is a sweet dog, but with that (in)famous terrier ornery streak ... but that's part of why we love those breeds!

  6. Hanna is a natural born model, I just love that look around the corner. The photo of her on the stairs made me giggle, as I can't imagine how she manages not to roll down the stairs.
    I like the framing effects. It's so hard to resist the bells & whistles on some of these photo programs.

  7. Hi MMD!
    Glad you like Hanna's capers on the stairs ... actually she fits quite nicely on the stair, but as for anyone trying to walk there, good luck! You know terrieres...

    Yeah, thought I'd try those frames finally, not bad for certain things, and we thought it would be fun for "baby" pictures, :-)

  8. Hi Annie,
    Just finally made it around to the goth/zombie parade and that was fun! Especially liked the drum corps who kept everyone in line ... too bad some enterprising some young zombies up here don't get in the act. *Sigh*

  9. Hi IGW,
    Hanna loves it! Unfortunately there has been precious little sun the last week or so!

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