Friday, February 13, 2009

A Blast From February Past ...

In honor(?) of the impending snow storm headed our way today (Friday the 13th no less!), I headed back into the 2004 archives on the XP box I use as a file server, because I recalled one of those February blasts that was particularly memorable ... so here it is, the great snow of February 5, 2004. I originally titled this first shot "NOT A Wonderland," no doubt due to my disgust with that particularly harsh winter when we had had our fill of the white stuff at that point. And, if I recall correctly, that was also the year that we had the surprise St. Patrick's Day blizzard that graced us (and buried emerging bulbs) with a mere 17 inches of snow ... it was a long winter that year.... So, let's head around back and see what Pepa and Rolly thought of the whole thing....
Pepa was definitely in deep and up to her elbows here, but not unhappy about the situation ... she and Rolly always loved frolicking in the snow, at least until they got too cold and were ready to come back inside. But on this particular day, they were quite content to take advantage of the snow accumulation to romp in the back yard while it was still coming down fast and furious....
Ever the snow dog with his heavy coat, Rolly was undaunted by the falling snow and given his height advantage over Pepa, had no problems tromping happily through the drifts on his way to a play session with his dear companion Queen Pepa....
Ah, these were the great old play days Pepa and Rolly so enjoyed in their younger years, when they would chase and wrestle each other around for what seemed like hours on end ... Pepa would start by nipping Rolly's ankles to get things going and then they were off! Who cared that day if there were already about 8 inches of snow on the ground and more on the way? They were having waaay too much fun!
But even as much fun as playing in the snow could be, Pepa usually was the first to have her fill and head for the warmth inside to find a nice blankie to nest in for a wee nap after playing ... Rolly, ever the oblivious one, hadn't quite figured out the cue yet and was intently watching something that caught his interest elsewhere. I don't exactly recall what got his attention prompting him to come in (probably one of those short, curt and bossy barks from Pepa signaling the end of play time?) but eventually he made his way back toward the house....
Ok, I'll admit it, I was mostly likely the one who first had had enough of the cold and snow and was really ready to go back in, though both Pepa and Rolly didn't mind that idea either at this point. So, as the snow was still falling, we all headed back into the house to warm up, dry off and settle down for a nice nap after a snowy playtime ... and the snow just kept on coming. If I recall correctly, we ended up with about 10-12 inches from this storm, more than enough for us to grumble enough already! But no, there was more still to come in March before it was all over for the year.... One last shot of Queen Pepa, who wanted to get up close and personal with the camera with her snowy nose before we went in ... In retrospect, I really wish the camera I was using at the time (the faithful Fuji Finepix 2250) had had the video capabilities that my new S700 has, but no matter, it did a fine job of capturing our two beloved furry loves for posterity, and that's what ultimately counts for us, now that they're gone physically, but still keeping watch over Jardín and Casa IVG! And once again, I think we have to give them great thanks for sending us our wonderful new pup, Hanna, who's not quite a snow pup yet because this year was her first time experiencing snow and since we've had her it's been wickedly cold and snowy, but maybe next year she'll be frolicking happily in the snow like her noble predecessors did for so many years here. Time will tell, but we'll see how she reacts to this next snow on the way, so stay tuned for more details....


  1. Those are wonderful photos. It's fun to look back and see them playing without a care.

    We have more snow in our future but it is supposed to get warm again next week so it will melt quickly.

  2. Such a lovely story and super photos. It reminds me of past winters with our two cairn buddies RIP who also loved the snow would romp and play until they were icicles personified and we'd have to remove all the little snowballs caught in their long hair.

    Thanks for the memories...yours and ours too.

  3. It's been a colder one here even in Oregon.

    We got the "crud" here last week and now we're realizing that there's more to it than just a few days down. Ugh. So we've been trying to keep on top of things while we can and keep taking our herbals and goodies.

    I can't afford to get sick... especially now. Ack I don't want to think about it... where's some sand to buyr my head?

    Anyways, great photos of the past... I looked thru and I'm so glad Nurse Hanna knows what to do :) Our old, black cat, Kitty is like that. She turns into Velcro Kitty when I or anyone else is sick.

    Not much news here... other than the Whole Foods suit fiasco has "cost" us plenty. My store hasn't laid anyone off, but they are firing people for outragous crap... Even though our sales are going up. Despite the economy, we're doing fantastic... but.. there's always a butt...

    Kids are well. I'm up and down. Hopeful yet scared to death. Still wanting to buy an all electric four seater... but can't. LOL

    Gotta do some errands on my day off. Gonna watch hockey tonight, my Sharks are kicking ass this season. My hockey friends are doing well and I'm going down to San Jose in March for 3 games in five days and possibly meet some net friends for the first time and hook up with some old net friends that are family for ove ra decade.

    Something we all must do one day you guys.

    My kids only met Manny (Maneegee) once here but they knew how important he was to me so they took him immediately during his short visit and already want to know when he'll be out and be able to sit and visit. (I've got pretty damn cool kidlets)

    Cripes, must run. PS got those roses cut down as well as the tea rose bush outside Danni's window. Crossing my fingers I didn't kill em :)


  4. I got tears in my eyes reading this post.

  5. That is a wonderful series of photos, IVG.

  6. Hi Marnie,
    Thanks... I enjoyed finding and going through these again ... they brought back such nice memories and more than a few tears....

    They so loved playing together and used to put on performances any time someone came over to visit... the big growly (fake) snappy wrestling sessions were quite amusing.

  7. Hi Coneflower,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the post ... I bet your Cairns did get good and icy with all that fur! And what a contrast to see fuzzy black pups romping in the snow.... must have been quite the sight!

  8. Hey Janet,
    I'm still feeling residual "crud" but at least I can function most of the day now, but get so wiped out at night. I hope you all start feeling better soon, but if you have this one, it's going to take time!

    Sounds like you have a bunch of hockey lined up, just make sure you put on your lipstick so no one mistakes you for a pit bull! :-)

  9. Hi Olivia,
    I got tears in my eyes writing it, though that wasn't the intent! Have to admit that the last shot really made me break down a bit about how much I so miss Pepa.

    But having a new, inquisitive "in your face" pup helps take some of the sting away. Nothing like waking up in the morning and having Hanna jump up on my chest and poke her cold wet nose in my face! LOL

  10. Hi B2,
    Thanks! I'm glad you liked them ... I wish I had more series like these, but maybe I do and just have forgotten them. There's a lot of stuff on that old XP box! (photos dating back to 2003!!)


Go green and get your hands dirty!