Thursday, December 04, 2008

Prop 8, Bad. "Prop 8 The Musical," Good.

Click Image For Video

A while back after the election, I posted Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on the passage of Proposition 8 in California --a righteous rant if there ever was one-- and though many folks' inner anger is still seething (probably by the day) about this revocation and denial of our basic rights, at least now we can afford ourselves some much needed levity. And by now, I'm sure this video has gone completely viral across the web, so let me also put my pitch in for this clever song and dance routine from some of our favorite Hollywood libruls. With the likes of Jack Black, John C. Reilly, Allison Janney and Margaret Cho (Neil Patrick Harris too, hehe!), that raises certain expectations that are more than adequately met in this short number (it's less than 2 min!). Though I saw this posted early today, I made myself wait until I was done working for the night to check it out, and boy howdy, I was not disappointed. It definitely put many smiles on my weary face and provoked chuckles tonight. So if you're up for a well done little number, check the video out! I think you'll smile too....

So while we're on the topic of songs ....

As some of you know (oh gentle readers...), I (try to!) frequent some very good garden blogs around the web (though not as many as I'd like to, alas), I haven't run across many that actually post original songs, save for Annie in Austin, who periodically posts her original songs as videos done with her husband Philo. Well, she has a lovely new one posted this week, Can I Recover Christmas, and if you aren't familiar with her work, it's definitely worth a look! It's part of a longer project she has been working on, Roots in Austin, a musical play in progress.... If you haven't already seen this poignant video yet, click on the image below....
As Annie told me today, frost is forecast in Austin tonight ... well here, we had about another 2 in. of snow today, with bitter cold and brisk winds, which made it rather unpleasant to be outside, though at least this time it didn't freeze on the satellite dish and knock out our signal, which just came back on yesterday with a brief thaw from Sunday's rain/snow mix. Whew. So I was able to see my usual round up of news programs (Keith and Rachel) and recorded the newest episode of Pushing Daisies, my new (and only ) favorite network program just canceled after an all too brief brilliant and innovative run. It was great while it lasted, and I can only hope that ABC will still air the remaining 5 episodes they have completed. (Again, I have to give a hat tip to Annie who first brought this series to my attention a few months.)

It looks like we'll be getting a tree this weekend, probably on Saturday, when we're forecast to have a positively balmy high of 31F/-1C, because it looks to be the warmest day we're going to get until next week. So Ornament Blogging and Tree Decorating aren't far off ... we also hope to get the porch decorations up if it's not too cold to work out there on Sunday. With this weather, it also looks like Potage and Baguette time in the kitchen, now that the season of cold weather comfort food is upon us. I may even thaw out one of our pork tenderloins to go along with that, since winter food seems to be my specialty these past few years. So if anyone wants me to go all "Food Networky" again, I can plan on blogging these recipes too. Potage is one of my favorite French dishes to make in the cold months, and Baguettes, I can practically make those in my sleep after so many years, lol.

Here's hoping that it's warmer where you are now, as we're now currently at 13F/-10C as I finish this post!


  1. Morning IVG.

    I didn't know that Pushing Daisies had gotten canceled. That's one I watch every week.

    You mentioned Neil Patrick Harris. Have you seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog? If you've ever been to Hulu, go to channels and music. He's right at the top. Actually I thought it was pretty good.

    Well down here we're getting into the 20's for lows. No snow though.

    Take care


  2. Hi IVG,

    How are you doing these days? Too bad about Pushing's always about money these days not quality.

    NPR news is in the background and there doesn't seem to be anything good happening anywhere. Sorry to whine this early in the morning! It's gray and rainy and cold weather is heading our way. I did get the last of the Purple Sensation alliums in the ground yesterday. Not sure the color is exactly what I wanted but I did forget to order until too late and this was what I found in the sale bin at HD!

    Take care!


  3. Hey there FM,
    Yup, just 5 more episodes of PD to come, and last night's was a real show changing one. They sure packed a lot of important stuff into that episode... we're sad it's going to end after it has had such an outstanding start this year!

    I have seen some Dr. Horrible stuff before, but I didn't know it was on Hulu... will have to check next time I'm there. I like that site a lot and have watched a few movies and didn't mind the format (having a wide screen monitor helps).

    11 degrees and very chilly here now, with your favorite white stuff all over the ground....

  4. Hi Gail,
    I've been working too much when I haven't been getting sick... ack.

    Yep, that ages old tension between Art and Commerce...never those twain will meet, alas. We'll just have to savor what's left of PD (I have the 1st season on DVD and will buy the other when it becomes available). Glad we have the DVR so we can revisit the Pie Hole whenever we want. :-)

    I don't listen to NPR anymore, but was a faithful listener for many years until they took that rightward sway these past 8 yrs. I remember ATC from the Susan Stamberg years of the 70's and miss her. Cokie's a hack these days though. But at least Susan produced a very handsome son who is an actor. We first noticed him as a recurring character on Six Feet Under a few years ago (he played "Sarge" if you ever saw those episodes).

    Glad our bulbs are all in the ground now because there's not going to be any digging going on by us anytime soon! No matter what color your alliums are, you'll enjoy them!

  5. IVG, what a lovely surprise to see your comment, and how extremely kind of you to embed the "Can I Recover Christmas" video! After I saw your comment and post I just couldn't stop smiling. Thank you.

    The Prop 8 Video was so well done - you are right - it does seem to have gone viral! I have no resistance to Jack Black. I even paid to see Nacho Libre at the theater).

    Pushing Daisies is my must-see TV show, too. I just wish that instead of being canceled, it were deliberately planned as a two-year, 26-episode confection right from the beginning, with a proper arc and a lead-up to a genuine conclusion. When network TV does something like that (guess I'm thinking of MASH and Mary Tyler Moore or Seinfeld) it can be so much more satisfactory than just a fizzle out for ratings.

    Well, off my soapbox and back to getting a space ready for the Christmas tree.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  6. Hi Annie,
    Glad to pass on the oodles of publicity this blog generates, lol. I'm glad it put a smile on your face, and you're most welcome!

    As for the Prop 8 video, it's amazing that it was rehearsed one day and shot the next, and all of the talent involved volunteered their services. Keith Olbermann had Jack, John C. and Marc Shaiman on Countdown Friday night to discuss the video. I expect you can find the segment video up on KO's site ...., if you're interested.

    And for PD, why didn't they solicit your advice, because that would have been a much better idea. But I don't expect much from ABC after how they treated Twin Peaks back in the day ... and they weren't even owned by Disney back then! (Though Eisner was an exec at ABC....)

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