Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Frivolity

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As we inch inevitably closer to New Year's Eve, perhaps the most alcohol connected of all holidays (save, perhaps St. Patrick's Day?), I thought I'd search out a video of a twisted little song we discovered on XM Radio's "Twisted Christmas" channel last year (alas the channel disappeared this year) ... The Twelve Drinks of Christmas. Now, the version we first heard (and like the best) was originally recorded by Frankie Ford (a somewhat famous 50's R&B and pop star, I guess?), who does such a hilarious rendition of boozing it up that you can hear him clinking ice cubes in the glass. Alas, I can't find a complete version (though I did download it from Amazon for .99), but you can hear a snippet of his classic version here. But, as I looked around, I found that others have recorded various versions of the song, some (much) better than others. This one I quite like, though it's a far cry from Frankie's original ... it's by Jean Shepherd (NO, not that Jean Shepherd of Christmas Story fame), a country singer with whom I'm totally unacquainted, but she does belt out a very fun version of the song! She gives a nice twist to Frankie's version, complete with wry commentary on her alcohol fueled trajectory to the cemetery....

A confession of sorts: ever since I was a kid I've disliked the 12 Days of Christmas, mostly because for me, the novelty wore off after the first time and now there are so many positively interminable versions out there that it's become downright tiresome and annoying (e.g. who could ever forget that never ending version Dinah Shore sang in the Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special? Even he fled the room!).

In any case, whatever your thoughts about this song, this should provide an amusing end of season diversion as we approach the arrival of the New Year 2009, which many of us hope will usher in better days and the beginning of a new era. We are hopeful for many things in the New Year, not the least of which is the eventual adoption of a new puppy into our family ... we'd like to think that Pepa and Rolly are working on that for us right now, nudging a worthy successor to their huge paw prints gently our way until we realize who she will be (thanks, Janet, for the beautiful thought expressed in your recent email!) ... We're in no hurry at this point, but anticipate she may arrive in or near spring....

So what are your New Year's Eve plans? We've never liked the ridiculous energy spent on "having a wild time" that many people expend (not to mention the hangovers and dangers of driving inebriated), so we always spend it quietly at home alone or with a few close friends. This year it will just be us two ... we'll have a special meal, special treats and beverages and a bottle of champagne to top it off. Nothing fancy, just a little out of the ordinary as we choose a few good movies to watch while we take it easy on the countdown to midnight. I should have more details on which ones are up for this year, but Woody Allen's Stardust Memories has always been one of my New Year's favorites for some odd reason ... and then there are the new DVDs I got for Christmas to watch (No Country For Old Men, Baz Luhrman's Red Curtain Trilogy, and Better Off Dead), so who knows what we'll pick! It has been a long while since I put on Moulin Rouge! though, so I may be lobbying hard for that one! That one always energizes me and leaves me breathless ...then there's Strictly Ballroom! Oh, so many choices! Feel free to weigh in with your suggestions and/or favorites....

So how do you ring in the New Year? There are a lot of traditions out there, and I'm always curious to learn how others celebrate (or don't) ... I know it's got to be different from my childhood when it was all Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians, some shrimp cocktail and cheese along with unlimited soda (champagne was unknown in our house in those days!) and whatever Christmas cookies were left over.... I always skipped the sardines in mustard sauce ... those were the exclusive domain of my Dad!!!


  1. I think I will pass on the twelve drinks of Christmas;) Maybe just one tiny brandy eggnog;)

    I'll probably just have chili and sandwiches with family. Maybe a sip of wine and some Baileys later. And of course some champaign to toast in 2009. Oh, and I have to try a little of Mrs Olson's home made glogg so as not to hurt her feelings. I think my Dad still has a little Pear Liquor, might just help him get rid of that. LOL
    Happy New Year

  2. That was pretty funny! Daughter Dearest asked from the next room, "what is that you're listening to?" as I was stifling laughter to not miss any of it…

    Oh, and I'd be glad to give you all four of our dogs. ;-)

  3. For New Years we're just going around the corner tonight to see friends, thankfully a very short trip in the snow we're getting now.

    I wish you and Fernymoss a very happy and healthy new year, IVG!

  4. Hi Marnie,
    Probably wise to skip her trajectory, eh? :-)

    Our evening was quite simple too, just a couple of nice beers and then later a magnum of some Spanish champagne I found at World Market today (incredible price for good stuff!) that we nursed through our second film, Moulin Rouge! ... A nice, quiet night at home with no pressures. That's a good thing!

    Happy New Year to you and yours too!

  5. Hey FAR,
    That made me chuckle that DD noticed, but then again, she's not exactly a subtle singer, eh? Glad you all got a kick out of it, but the Frankie Ford version has to be heard to be believed!

    Thanks, but I'd never dream of depriving you of the Manor pack of dogs! (Smithers, release the hounds!)

    Hope that 2009 will be a great year for you and all of the Manor folks!

  6. Hey B2,
    Sounds like you, Ms. B and the B2boy have a good plan too! Always best to walk if one can ... we noticed a lot of zippy traffic down Woodland tonight (not a good sign), so we were glad we were in early and staying home.

    Double feature tonight: Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom followed by opening of champagne and another glorious viewing of Moulin Rouge! Great snacks too ... a nice, quiet night overall.

    Hope 2009 will be a great year for you and yours up there! It was great to open the door at midnight to usher 2008 out and 2009 in, even if it was friggin' cold! Worth it!

  7. I vaguely remember hearing that song long ago - but not this version. Did you ever run into Allan Sherman's 12 Days of Christmas? I'm not sure you'd know him - he died quite a long time ago, but I loved his sense of humor.

    For New Years Eve we had baked pasta - not any kind of tradition or anything - I was just in the mood to make it! Also unwrapped a new gift DVD - Mamma Mia.

    Happy New Year to you and Fernymoss, IVG. When I was a kid we also heard Guy Lombardo, the youngsters drank pop (not soda) and potato chips abounded for once instead of being rationed. The grownups drank highballs and my dad also ate fish. But instead of sardines it was herrings in cream sauce. Yuck.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  8. Happy New Year IVG and Fernymoss,

    We, Mr I and I, went to our dear friend's house for a quiet dinner...we brought the salad and managed to get home before midnight!

    It was a lovely evening with just the right amount of food and conversation. We are not a drinking crowd....being quite tame these days.


  9. Hi Annie, and Happy New Year to you and Philo too!

    Allan Sherman sounds vaguely familiar from my childhood ... did he do "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah?" Haven't heard his 12 days though...

    Your evening sounded great... I think whatever your mood at the time seems right, should be the tradition at least for that moment, eh? :-) Gee, I wonder what movie you watched??? My sister said she watched it and loved it, and she's no fan of ABBA, so I guess I'll have to get around to it sometime (I am curious).

  10. Hi Gail,
    Sounds like you had a lovely evening, nice and relaxed too. That's the way it should be, I think, none of that crazy manic stuff we were so sure was the way to go in younger years!

    We do enjoy our libations in moderation, but compared to our younger days, those rowdy guys disappeared a long time ago!

  11. ((((IVG)))))

    They are working on it.


Go green and get your hands dirty!