Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In Memorium: Pepa's Good Life 1994-2008

As you obviously know now if you're a reader of this blog, our little girl, Ms. Queen Pepa (Approximately) left us early this morning. I'm in no condition to try to begin to do a proper retrospective or her life right now, so I thought I'd just post a couple of favorite shots from the past that always make me smile. These are both from September 1, 2003. I like to call the first one "Did you say Puppy Cone? That always got her immediate attention....
I don't really have a title for this one, but it's a shot that I think really shows off her personality for the world to see. To me, she's saying, I'm smart as a whip, bursting with energy and boundless happiness, even when my Dad's not at his best! How about tossing that ball for me for a little while, huh? HUH?

I do believe her spirit will remain or at least revisit her home here again ... I know Pepa, and she's always been such a nosy dog, she won't be able to resist....

UPDATE: 11:20 pm. December 10
Well, our little girl took her penultimate ride in the car today when Fernymoss took her to the clinic to arrange for the cremation. In a week or so, she'll ride home in the car one last time to come back to us in a different form. We're not quite sure yet where she will rest in the back yard, but there will be a marker with her name on it or a piece of statuary ... we haven't decided just what that will be, but there will be a permanent reminder where we decide to bury her ashes.


  1. I don't think I'd ever seen pix of PuppyPepa. That's probably the best way to remember her, in her energetic prime…

  2. She's beautiful IVG! gail

  3. Hi FAR,
    Actually she was 9 yrs old when that one was taken. I never had the chance to see her as a puppy ... she was a year and a half old when I got her. She'd been returned twice from adoptions before me, so she had a lot of baggage, so to speak. Took a while to get rid of all that, but then she grew into the perfect little girl. Yet another reason why we miss her so very much.

  4. Yes, Olivia,
    I'm doing a lot of that still. My eyes look and feel terrible....

  5. Thanks, B2
    She didn't particularly like the camera, but it sure loved her! I'm so glad we have tons of pictures of both the dogs, since both will be gone very soon.

  6. Gail, how did I miss you?

    She was a beauty, wasn't she? She turned a lot of heads over the years and stole more than a few hearts as well. :-)

  7. Wow, she sure looked like a pup at age 9! No wonder she lived to such a ripe old age.

    I'm glad she found a good home with you guys… in her case, the third time was truly the charm.

  8. The playful tilt of Pepa's head gives a hint of why you could never resist her pleas for attention and activity. It looks like you were meant to adopt her.
    My condolences, IVG and Fernymoss.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  9. Again, condolences. It may happen here before long... hopefully not for awhile. The memories and photos are always reminders of the good (and best of) times.

  10. I'm sorry IVG. I know how you must feel. It was nice seeing her photos again.

  11. Hi FAR,
    She kept that puppy look well into adulthood and people who met her were often surprised to find out her real age. She never really slowed down much except in the past few months, where she was still very active but definitely a bit slower.

    We think she loved her home with us and we were so lucky too. Believe it or not, in her "demon dog dayze" (the first year or so)I came close one time to taking her back, but I just didn't have the heart to and knew she'd come around eventually ... and boy did she!!

  12. Hi Annie,
    Who can resist that inquisitive head tilt? I can't, that's for sure! I thin we were meant for each other... Fernymoss said she was a perfect match for me, the "clumped Leo" strong willed, generous, loving and stubborn. :-)

    Thanks, Annie, for bringing a smile to my face with your observation about the photo!

  13. Hi Shady,
    I'm sorry to hear you may a departed friend too ... we both know and understand what a painful time that can be. And we have another who be departing soon too (Rolly is 17, really crippled by arthritis and is in end stage dementia). So...a very quiet Christmas approaches.

    But we do have the photos, and for that I am so glad....

  14. Hi Marnie,
    Thanks ... I'm glad you liked the photos. And yes, you certainly do know how it feels, since you have had losses yourself recently...

    I know it's the eventual part of the compact we make with a dog or cat, and even with the pain, it's such a great experience overall. It's worth the sad times, no?

  15. My dear friend. I've read the blog and your email and I still just can't believe it. I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm also deeply honored that you share so much of your heart with so many.

    I think when our loved ones pass away that they continue to keep watch over us. Pepa will never truly leave your side.


  16. Dear, sweet Janet,
    Thanks so much for reading, as always. We got a sympathy card today from the Vet and her staff today, which had some very kind sentiments in it from everyone who was involved. We were both very touched by that expression, and of course I broke into tears when I read it...

    Rolly also had to be put down on Sunday so the house is empty now. My wish is that they met up again (or will soon) and will be playing joyfully as they did so much in the past ... they will be back to visit and keep an eye on us, I'm sure!


Go green and get your hands dirty!