Saturday, December 20, 2008

An Almost Finished Tree

Well here we are, less than a week away from Christmas, just digging out from the latest storm that's apparently lumbering northeast now, with much of the country expected to get blasted in the next few days. Around our part of the state, this system was much hyped for several days as a significant ice-sleet-rain-snow event, but when it finally arrived last night, pelting us with sleet and ice pellets, then eventually snow, it was somehow disappointing .... There was a lot of sizzle about this system before it arrived and in comparison with winter storms we've had in the last couple of years, it was more of a fizzle. Not that we weren't affected (we did have about 2 inches of sleet, snow and ice pellets to clean up), but we were expecting much worse. It's just Iowa winter weather, and we don't even mark the solstice officially until Sunday ... a harbinger of a long, deary winter I feel.

Fernymoss more or less completed
the tree on Tuesday (12/16), as I labored away late (yet again) upstairs ... these past few weeks have been beyond daunting with all the work demands I've had lately, thus my inactivity around these parts. Anyway, here's the tree as it currently stands (we still have to get the tree skirt taken care of), and in this flash shot you can get an overall impression of what the whole tree looks like at this point.
Here's the corresponding ambient light view --less focused, yes-- but much more colorful, giving an approximate impression of what it really looks like in typical evening lighting in the living room. As you can see, it's heavy on the blue, but that's just the luck of the draw with how the lights ended up on the tree, and that's fine by us! By the end of this weekend we'll have gotten the skirt issue resolved and there will be some gifts appearing there in the next few days....
And here we are at the rather gift barren base of the tree with Santa and Mushy and Pipey just waiting to hand out those gifts that haven't quite arrived yet. All three of these pieces were "inherited" in rather odd and indirect ways (though my sister sent Mushy and Pipey our way a few years ago when she was clearing out a bunch of *stuff*), but they're valued members of our holiday entourage around the tree. Of course we'll have updated photos the closer we get to Christmas (huh? less than a week?!), and in the interim I'll focus on the more individual and diverse ornaments we have on the tree. When we were talking earlier tonight about the ornaments we wanted to highlight, we realized tonight that they do fall into rough thematic categories, so I plan on several posts showing off the sorts of things that appear on our tree ... so stay tuned, as they say.


  1. That's one pretty tree, IVG! I love those lights!

  2. Hi B2,
    Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying these posts and hope you and your family have a wonderful Hanukkah this week!

    I thought of you when I was in Target on Saturday... they had special Hanukkah displays and I was tempted to buy a Menorah (I've always wanted one), but the one that really made me smile was one in the pet department. They had a blue/white set for dogs, complete with a cushy bed and a plush dredel and menorah toys. It was so cute, but made me a bit sad, for obvious reasons. Curious if you find that distasteful or not ... I thought about that, as I've never thought of dogs as being Jewish or Gentile (or Buddhist or otherwise). I guess it's all focused marketing after all, so I'm a bit conflicted about that. Feel free to weigh in if you like....

    Some night this week, I'm going to have to get Fernymoss to take a short drive around our part of town to see the gigantic (about 20 ft tall!) Menorah they have by a kosher deli near the Jewish (Orthodox) Academy that's not far from where we live. We always miss it when it's illuminated, and I want to see it this year!

  3. Dear IVG,

    Good morning! Your tree is absolutely lovely! Really! Fernymoss, you did a fantastic job!; I especially like MUshy and Pipey! Wonderful 'happy little smiles'!

    Have you gotten more wintery mix? It certainly makes life more adventurous when you have to drive in it! Some strange cold weather came our way...low was about 10. That is not usual and without a blanket of snow, we might lose a few plants! That's gardening!

    My life is not my happens every Christmas when our son, dog and gf arrive! Company takes energy! So I am way behind on visiting.
    Happy Monday! I see you have another post for me to read!


  4. Hey there Gail,
    Thanks, we're starting to really enjoy it even more now that I got most the gifts I'm giving wrapped and put under it tonight. Fernymoss says thank you right back, btw!

    I'm already fed up with the snow! After the way below zero weekend with all the wind blowing it around, it had to go and snow more tonight (another 1-2") and more supposedly on the way tomorrow. Yuck ... we have our White Christmas already, thank you very much! On Friday we're actually supposed to get into the mid-high 30's so maybe we can get some melting going. We could stand it.

    I hope you are enjoying having your son at home ... ah, I remember those nice long vacations from when I was in grad school, though I usually had to leave right after Christmas to go back and work on unfinished stuff. Those were the days....


Go green and get your hands dirty!