Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Did I Just See a Squinny?

Late night doggie cuteness on display. Pepa being vigilant on Saturday when we were taking a break from our work out front ... A squinny (IA term for ground squirrel, chimpmunk, whatever you call them) had just scurried by in front of our little Queen Pepa (approximately). Note that the Prairie Mallow is about done and putting on seed pods destined to be sent to some readers' gardens this fall.

Pepa never fails to dominate the scene she's in ... and this one really demonstrates her terrier heritage ... but she never catches the squinnies, but where the bunnies are concerned, she really gives them a run for their lives! Hehe, go Pepa!


  1. I wish my kitty could go into the garden with me...our street is too busy and cats don't listen when you warn them of traffic! He might catch the squinny that is messing about in the garden!

    Pepe is a great garden dog! She is not tramping on the Mallow!


  2. Our little fuzzy dog even caught one a couple of months ago. He was so surprised! :-) He really didn't want to let go of his prize. It took a LOT of distraction to get him away from it long enough for me to dispose of the mangled critter.

  3. Heh, she is the picture of concentration.

  4. Hi Gail,
    As I've mentioned, getting to hang out out front is a special treat for her, and she doesn't try to go in the beds. Now in the back yard, we do have to chase her out of the veggie garden at times when she sneaks through the fence there.

  5. Hey Shady,
    Good for the pup! At 14, Pepa can't quite run as fast as she used to (but she's pretty fast still), and they have too many hiding places, she's never gotten one. Though there are a few rabbits over the years who have regretted encountering her!

  6. Hey B2,
    Don't know if you've ever had or known a terrier, but when that obsessi-fixation kicks in, it's hard to break. Ever see that Frasier episode that had the act called "Stare Master" (w/Eddie of course)? That dog had it in spades!

  7. LOL, I remember that episode IVG! :-)

    Any post w/ Pepa in it works for me, as you know ... :-)

    Hope you and FMoss and the pups are doing well!

  8. Hi Olivia,
    I love that episode, and IIRC, during the credits he got up on the table and got his head stuck in an ice cream carton, lol.

    Just think ... a new butt posted here, just for you, hehe.


Go green and get your hands dirty!