Friday, June 27, 2008

Mystery Flower and Bonus Pepa Pic!

Fernymoss decided to get all arty yesterday with the Mystery Plant now blooming in our dining room. Here's an example of one particular shot that I thought was quite striking. What do you folks out there think? And is it immediately obvious what this is? Hint: it's a flower not normally associated with blooming during the summer ...and, if you've ever grown one, I'm sure you know what it is!And here is Her Highness Queen Pepa (Approximately), disinterestingly supervising from her spot on the floor ... apparently she wasn't particularly impressed with what Fernymoss was doing. Of course ... it had nothing whatsoever to do with food , thus the blasé attitude, lol.


  1. Good morning IVG and Fernymoss. I grow them in the winter. Always try to time the bloom for Christmas but never get it quite right.

    That is a very nice photo. Elegant.
    You all have a great weekend.

  2. I'm going to jump right in and tell you what I think it is: Amarylis? I have a row of plants on the deck "building their bulbs!" Perhaps more of them will bloom this coming winter than last. :-)

  3. I have nothing but an uneducated guess, so I guess I'll hang out & wait for the answer. :-) It's a pretty cool shot though… not too many flower butts out there, even from Olivia.

    The Queen looks like she's getting up there in the dog years.

  4. I have a Hippeastrum blooming in my border right now - they stay in the ground all year here, IVG.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. I'm gonna go with Amaryllis also. Nice shot, Fernymoss.

  6. Hi Marnie, and good evening to you and yours :-)

    I should admit, I bought these last fall to do exactly that (timing sure is erratic), but got so busy then and since, they sat in their boxes in the corner. I felt pity for them so potted them and started watering about 3 wks ago, and here they are blooming this week.

    Hey Shady, yeah, that was a real toughie eh? lol I thought most people would know and if someone didn't, then they'd learn something interesting anyway... We too have some spent ones w/foliage sitting around outside too, then off to bed for a few months!

    Howdy FAR ... glad you like the flower butts, lol. Marnie and Shady nailed this one pronto ... you know those boxed bulbs you see just before Christmas in all the mass retailers? (these came from Big Lots, btw) This is what it grows into!

    Hey Annie, I think you mentioned that at your place recently? Think I saw pic, will have to check.

    Anyway, lucky you with no bulb lifting ... I'm tempted to try it in summer in the ground and then dig it up before frost and store as I would one grown in the house. Thanks for the inspiration!

    We do have the hardy Amaryllis (Surprise Lilies) thanks to some divisions my sister gave me. It's finally dying back now and should pop up some blooms later in July or August ...

    YO, B2!
    I need to get over to the Palooza for this week's installment! I'll convey the compliments to Ferny for you and everyone ... B2,I'm gonna post something tonight we discussed a bit a while back, in case you haven't seen it yet (you should be able to find them now in garden centers).

  7. Hiya IVG.

    With my less than zero knowledge of plants/flowers I wouldn't have even tried to guess. I glad there were more knowledgeable people who knew right away. Tell Fernymoss he did an excellent job with the picture again.

    Yep you're right that Queen Pepa looks lazily disinterested in the whole thing. :)

    Have a good w/e.

  8. Hey there FM!
    Hey even you could grow one of these without problems ... seriously! As I said to FAR, this fall when you're out shopping the big stores, keep an eye out for lots of small boxes w/kits that usually include a small pot, a compressed peat pellet that you just soak in water, and a bulb. Soak the peat, insert the bulb, and water. A few weeks later you should have your very own Amaryllis! When it's done blooming, cut the bloom stalk off and leave the foliage (water less as time goes by) until it starts to die back, then let it dry out, take the bulb and store in a dark, dry place (I use a bit of peat in a paper bag) for about 4-5 months, then bring it back out and replant again for the next round of blooms. Super simple. No weeding or special knowledge involved. Now, you can do that, no?

    I bet Fmom would love having one of these around for Christmas ... you can usually find them for around $5-6 and they come in several colors, we just prefer the red.

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Go green and get your hands dirty!