Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Countdown Continues

Tonight's update will be somewhat abbreviated, due to the current weather situation I detailed in the previous post ....

Well, Mr. Stinky held out on us today and hasn't opened yet. I'm really wondering if it's due to the practically daily rainstorms and general lack of sun (though we did get a few hours out of the clouds late this afternoon). Just as well, since more heavy rain is coming through tonight, and we'd hate to see his spectacular bloom ruined just yet. Maybe tomorrow, once the rain passes ....

As you can see in these two shots I got after work tonight, he's looking more engorged by the day and won't be able to hold back much longer ... I think he just needs a day with a lot of sun to expose himself fully. In the first, take a look at how the base of the plant bulges more with each passing day ... And in the second, take a moment to focus on the sensual folds and textures of the flower as it prepares for its appearance in the garden spotlight ... Soon ...


  1. And here I thought flower porn was Olivia's domain. ;)

    Will be waiting to see the finished bloom.

  2. Wow, that's going to be spectacular! I'm glad the rain hasn't ruined it (fingers crossed for you). What totally terrible weather you've been having. I saw a map of excessive rainfall in the Midwest & it looks like it split into 2 branches to go around the Chicago metro area. I don't know what we did to deserve that good luck. Hang in there & stock up on the bottled water!

  3. Hi FM! I see you made a lengthy visit today (hehe, blogstats), it's great to have you back, even if only sporadically. Hey, I've been in on the Petal pRon from the beginning, I'm just not as accomplished as Olivia yet!

    This flower defines it all for me! Fernymoss just took some pics a while ago (I had to work late) and says it's huge and stinks to high heaven, much worse than last year!

    I'll have pics up later, so stop by tomorrow!

  4. Hi MMD! Yep, it's an unusual one, all right! Have you ever seen one of the big Arums before? Unique doesn't begin to describe them ... bizarre usually comes to mind first. :-)

    I was really on edge until the wee hours last night, and though rain came through for quite a while, it wasn't as bad as expected. Some high winds, but no tornadoes here (fortunately) unlike those poor folks in W. IA ... what a tragedy.

    I think I must have seen the same map as you (I think it was in USAToday?) It definitely has broken into those two branches you mentioned, and I thought you might be in that relatively dry area! I'm glad for you that you're not having to endure this! If we can make it through the weekend w/out more major flooding, we might actually be in the clear. The Register is saying tonight that it's very likely that all the 93 records will be easily broken ... at least we're better prepared this time around. Glad we don't have riverfront property, because there's (their term) a "high likelihood of serious damage or loss." Yikes!

  5. Okay, so I finally peeked at last year's photos. I see what you mean about obscene, IVG. I can't wait to see this one fully, umm, erect.

  6. Hi IVG, I've been thinking of you with all the weather reports.

    Mister and the kids were among the last to go through Des Moines on the way up I-35 in 1993 and they talk about it EVERY time we go through the city.

    I can't stop thinking about the Boy Scouts and their families -- what a heartbreaking shock.

  7. glad to hear that you all are okay (including Mr. Stinky). I think the peep show is going to happen tomorrow, there's already some peeking behind the curtain in the lower shot.

  8. Hey B2, I knew you wanted to ... lol! You're going to get your wish in an hour or so ... we took a long time sorting through today's photos to pick several for tonight (out of 200+). I have plenty for at least a couple more posts, hehe.

  9. Hey there KB! Nice of you to stop by, and thanks for the kind thoughts! We're going to make it through, and have escaped the worst (except for the basement flooding), unlike others in the city. There were a few neighborhoods near the river that had to evacuate today. Fortunately we're up high enough (about 20 min from downtown) so that shouldn't affect us unless Saylorville Dam breaks, and then it would be bye bye DM. They're gradually releasing large amounts of water from there every night (which doesn't help downtown) to make sure that doesn't happen. Last prediction I saw they're expecting it to crest much lower than they initially thought.

    Yeah, that was a real tragedy last night in Little Sioux... I feel for those families too!

  10. Manny, you're such a paragon of litotes! But you're right, there was definitely some peeking going on yesterday, hehe.

    Well, amigo, the peep show started today, so stay tuned another hour or so and I'll have another update!


Go green and get your hands dirty!