Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Survivors, Up Close

Tulips decimated this year ... whine whine whine ... send me some cheese to accompany it, will you please?

Ok, so it's not that bad, and I'm not really begging for cheese ... but if you do happen to have a nice, ripening triple crème brie, I'd be happy to take it off your hands! I might even share some with you, lol.

These two close ups are some of the survivors still left in the original bulb bed and by the sidewalk nearer the house. The first one,, perhaps my all time favorite, is Olympic Flame, and it looks like this is the last of the breed to make it. There used to be about eight of them and there were at least five last year. Even though it's a bit smaller than normal this year, it is managing to make a splash. There also used to be several yellow and red Parrot Tulips, but they too have disappeared.

This basic Red Darwin is the lone tulip in the bed with the primroses (coming soon) and I'm not really sure how it got there. Years ago I planted a bunch of those Peony type Tulips and for a couple of years, foliage came up, but never any blooms, and then they just disappeared. And to think, they were Martha Stewart brand bulbs we got at KMart! Anyway, when we first moved in we discovered there were about 3-5 basic red tulips scattered around what passed as a flower bed back then. We just let them do their thing, but this one appears to have wandered over, or accidentally been brought in (perhaps with some dirt?) and now likes to bloom when the primroses do. It's a nice contrast, so I'm happy that it's here ... you can never have too many red tulips, as I say, hehe. And they positively go with everything!

I took these on 26 April, 2008, using of course the S700! The learning curve is still kind of low due to busy work schedule and crappy weather lately, but so far I'm thrilled how this is working out ...


  1. Make mine low-fat Swiss or Lorraine, please.

    It's always cool when you get flowers in unexpected places. I need to get a few shots of these tall weeds with tiny purple flowers that popped up all around the front of the manor grounds.

    You did very well with the second (red) shot — the flower is sharp, and you threw the background out of focus (which is what you want, to prevent distracting from the subject at hand).

  2. They look pretty good for survivors. I love the yellow flame with those red slashes that appear to be painted on.

  3. Hey guys! Glad you liked (FAR, I'm really partial to that red one too)! Fernymoss got out the other day and took a bunch of pics of all sorts and got another nice one of the Olympic Flame, so I'll try to get that up soon for ya B2.


Go green and get your hands dirty!