Thursday, May 01, 2008

Peter Stuyvesant Hyacinth and Bonus Bug

This planting of Hyacinths and daffodils is part of the area we call the Woodland Garden along the north side of our house adjoining Woodland Avenue. As you can see, this particular grouping is just popping with color right now (not to mention smelling quite nice too!).

One interesting note about these Hyacinths is that when we originally planted them there were only two bulbs, and now, happily, there are three! The 'red' one is called Jan de Bos and the purple is the classic Peter Stuyvesant Hyacinth (perhaps my favorite of the many varieties available). Before we planted these, I used to pooh-pooh Hyacinths because so many one commonly sees planted are the plain old boring pink and white ones ... then we looked into them seriously and discovered they come in many brilliant hues as well. They're real show stoppers when planted among other bulbs such as Tulips and Daffodils, where they add a lot of dramatic flair, and of course, their heady fragrance to the mix ...

By the way, if you'd like to see what a difference a year has made since last year's disastrous spring, see this post for comparison.

These shots were taken by Fernymoss on 26 April, 2008 using the S700. The first is, of course, a wider shot, while the second is a very nice close up of one we have planted near the steps that lead up to the front porch. Of particular note is the 'Bottle Fly' he captured taking in the heady fragrance ...


  1. I'm amazed how far along your blooms are. Finding the fly took me a second, like a Where's Waldo ? scene.

  2. Hey there B2 ... things have really been picking up rapidly around here lately. Between the warm days and (chilly) rains, plants are starting to roar out of the ground. I noticed the other that the bleeding hearts are already starting to bloom... in a few weeks, they'll be their usual enormous size. We've still got so much to do (nice days don't correspond w/mine off of late), but we'll get there!

  3. Lovely photos, I especially like the fly on the hyacinth!

  4. Thanks, IGW! We love capturing all sorts of bugs on the flower when we can, especially the bees! We're hoping that those Praying Mantises we had last year come back (see the Aug/Sept 2007 archives if you missed it) because getting good macro shots of them is really amazing to see.


Go green and get your hands dirty!