Thursday, April 10, 2008

Shades of Purple Haze

These are some of the many shades of purple popping up around the garden over the last week ... I just love the many variations of purple the crocuses offer, often mixed with one of my other favorite colors, yellow. That's the best of both worlds for me, and when you can get a dynamic tricolor variety such as the one pictured in this post, I'm beyond delighted!

Of course there are the Dutch "Giant" Crocus (some of which were featured previously here) that display much deeper hues of purple, and some even have dramatic veining in the petals (pictures forthcoming) that just have to be seen to be believed. Some are already up and ready to bloom, but the weather has been rather chilly and rainy the past few days and the forecast only predicts more of the same (rain and perhaps more snow) for the next several days and through the weekend. So who knows when I'll be able to get some good shots of them, as they've pretty much "closed up shop" the last couple of days. Though I've been disappointed with the overall lack of sun of late, as well as the chillier temperatures, I did decide that one upside to this was that it will probably prolong the crocus bloom time, keeping them ready but not overly enthusiastic about blooming just yet. At least I was lucky enough to get these shots late last Friday afternoon to hold me over until I can get out and take some more. Stay tuned for more to come ...

Photos taken 4 April, 2008 with the S700 ...


  1. Wow, your crocuses are much further along then ours here in NY. Pretty photos, IVG. Now that I've gottne DSL, I can finally get onto your blog. Woohoo!

  2. Hey there B2! Nice to see you stopping by again ... yeah, what a difference the DSL makes, eh? Have only had it here since Feb when my company went "virtual" and it became an urgent necessity. Now I don't see how I stood dial up for so long, lol.

    Yeah, these crocus have been really great so far, but the last week and a half have been nasty here... cold rain, snow and hardly any sunshine. Today we woke up to another inch of snow from overnight, so the big crocus are up but refusing to open due to the cold temps... supposed to get up in the 60's and 70's next week though, so that should get things really popping around here! We have some daffodils getting real close to blooming....

  3. very beautiful! Here in No Iowa I think we have a ways to go before mine come up.

  4. Hi Lila! Thanks for stopping by ... we're certainly behind this year but the last two weeks things are really revving up outside getting ready for the big spring show. It'll make it up your way eventually, if not soon!


Go green and get your hands dirty!