Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday Night Dog Blogging

Posting too cute doggie pictures isn't something I do regularly here, but tonight afforded us an opportunity that we just couldn't resist. Pepa and Rolly often snuggle together on their couch, but we rarely are able to catch them like this because invariably one or the other will notice the camera and then hop down, thus ruining the cuteness factor ... but this evening, as we were watching a particularly exciting new episode from Season Four of Dr. Who, they decided not to share in our excitement and took a long nap instead. So we got lucky and took a series of them while we could ...

I was never a fan of the original Dr. Who series when I was younger because it was just too cheesy for me ... I couldn't get into it, no matter how I tried. Fernymoss, however, has been a long time fan and knows all the arcana regarding the history of the Doctor in many of his incarnations. As you may know, the BBC revived the series in an entirely re-imagined (with vastly improved production values, writers and actors) conception in 2005, and we've both been hooked since BBC America started showing it here in the US. Sure, the SciFi Channel throws us an episode here and there, but doesn't seem (at least to me) to show the episodes in their proper order. Anyway, Season Three concluded last week with a hum-dinger of an episode, and I'm already wanting to see Season Four, which is currently playing in the UK. Tonight was one of those lucky finds from SciFi and they broadcast the first (official) episode of Season Four. In a word, it was captivating for humans ... not so much for dogs, apparently.

Of course a Dr. Who episode always sets me to thinking about Space and everything that's out in there in its depths ... the wondrous beauty as well as the darker sides of the Universe. Earlier today on My Yahoo page, one of the featured photos caught my eye ... an image of two colliding galaxies called 'Arp 148' taken from the Hubbell Telescope ... so I obviously had to check that out. Wow, the Hubbell has been taking some breathtaking photos of galactic oddities! For those interested, I'm going to include a couple of links here ... the photos are really worth an admiring look! Here's the link to a gallery that displays some 59 incredible photos, each of which has a link to a more detailed page about its location and what is currently known about them.

And to think that a couple of years ago we heard talk that they wanted to just trash the Hubbell Telescope completely and de-fund it ... I'll try (and fail) to refrain from political diatribe here. The knowledge we've gained from it since it has been in orbit is almost unimaginable, except to those scientists who dedicate their lives to analyzing the data ... to my mind, it's a national treasure that attests to what we can attain when we aim for the stars. Instead of Middle Eastern oil deposits.


  1. Love that photo! They're so cute ... :D

    I was always a fan of the Dr portrayed by Tom Baker. :) Haven't seen any of the new ones though, but it sounds like you've enjoyed it so I must check it out.

    Hope you and Fernymoss and the pups are enjoying the w/e!

  2. Hey there Olivia! Aren't they just??! We've started keeping the camera handy downstairs just so we can capture such moments...

    I really urge you to check out the new Dr. Who series, it's really good (well, some episodes more than others). The first season had Christopher Eccleston as the Dr. but David Tennant took over in the second, and he's really grown on me ... he's funny and heroic all rolled into one. I didn't care much for Billie Piper as Rose the first two seasons, but really loved Freema Agyeman in the third, but alas she's now out of the picture and Catherine Tate took on the role... jury still out on her. I've never cared much for her, but she was good in last night's episode...

  3. They're so peaceful... until they wake up, anyway. :-)


Go green and get your hands dirty!