Thursday, March 20, 2008

Whispers of Spring (Finally!)

With the snow at last receding with this more than welcome (hopefully not brief) respite from winter, things are (finally) starting to pop up in the yard and garden! We've been done with snow for quite some time and have been waiting impatiently for these little guys to break ground. And with the warmer temperatures for a few days at a time recently, the snow cover is almost gone and the gems of spring are kicking off the annual cycle in the garden.

So here you have the first crocus to emerge at Casa IVG this spring ... not even open yet but already brightening the landscape and spirits in this house and garden. Soon the other (early and giant) crocus will burst on the scene, along with the Siberian Squill, Glory of the Snow, Hyacinths, Tulips and Daffodils and more ... Signs like these are really what seal the end of winter (proper) for me, and I'm sure many other gardeners ... I know of at least a (large) few right now ....

Photos taken 20 March, 2008 at about 5:15 p.m. CDT

More to come ...


  1. Hooray! Spring marches north! Even Olivia will be seeing it soon, huh?

    It's 36F here this morning & I'm about to jump on the bike for work... yes I'm crazy. ;-)

  2. Hi toots! Hi FAR!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ... it's so good to see this! Yay for Spring's arrival. :)


Go green and get your hands dirty!