Friday, December 14, 2007

. . . I C Y . . .

That's about the state of things here the past few days!
Photo by Fernymoss, taken 13, December 2007


  1. Hey there FAR! I'm clinging to an icy thread, hehe. Being slammed at work and the whole holiday crush (not to mention the recent icy weather -- 2 ice storms in as many weeks!) is proving to be a bit challenging this year. But we're getting into it nonetheless and aren't finished yet! One of those years when fall suddenly vanished and the ice and snow came earlier ... freezing everything in the garden in its tracks, so to speak.

    At least it gives the reporters covering the caucuses something else to whine about being in Iowa. Wusses, one and all, I tell ya!

  2. Hi IVG.

    That's an excellent picture that Ferny took.

    I'm like FAR. Glad to see you back.

  3. Thanks FM! I know it's been a while but things have been so busy work and otherwise I've just generally been too zapped and uninspired to keep up.

    I'm hoping I can get back into the more regular swing soon, but the holidays are going to be busy for the foreseeable ... baking, wrapping and all that. At least I'm about 95% done with the shopping!


Go green and get your hands dirty!