Monday, July 30, 2007

I Got Nuthin'

Like the title says, that's what I've got right now ... sorry folks. I need to take a break for a few days or so here. As life and work are intruding upon me rather heavily the next couple of weeks, and since gremlins seem to have invaded the view in Internet Explorer again (grrrr... I'm trying to get it worked out), I'm just not up to it right now.

My apologies extended. Now might be a good time, if you haven't by now, to try out Firefox, which doesn't seem to have these MSIE problems with bumping the sidebar to the bottom. Anyway, I'll see you back here as soon as I'm able. Flowers continue to bloom and I'll be doing my best to catch them, so there will be more to come, I assure you.

Thanks for understanding, and get out there and see what's blooming in your own little corner of the world. I'd love to hear about it!


  1. Take care IVG ... I hope the work doesn't get too out of hand (ha, I know) ... and we'll see you here when you get back.

  2. Having just come back from my own break, I totally grok. I'll be eager to see what's blooming when you return, but I can wait. :) Enjoy.

  3. I've had to do that on occasion… in fact, I might have another blog-break coming up soon myself, but I hope not.

    Take it easy, and clear your life of all things Microsoft.

  4. When you figure out which gnome brigade is responsible, can you let me know? I'm havin' the same problem with IE at my b. Meanwhile, enjoy the breather!

  5. Hey IVG,
    sorry about your system problems. I have a link in my blog of the night blooming Cerus that are opened last night. they`re gone as of this morning but There are more that will bloom tonight. They open up inside of an hour, spend the night in glory & fade away by mid morning. But they are incredible during that short time span, & the scent is simply amazing.
    See you soon.

  6. Hey there folks, thanks for the kind thoughts! I just have to grind through the next few weeks and hope I don't come out pulverized, lol. I'm just facing an incredible amount of work at a particularly low energy point, which doesn't help, thus the need for a break.

    Yeah Manny, if I find them I'll let you know and kick some gnome ass and take names. I'm just not going to fight with it right now. Besides everyone should use Firefox anyway, right? Btw, showed Fernymoss the "blurry Bud" pic and he loved it (as did I), you should consider printing it and framing it! I need to head over to your place soon because I think you'll have probably covered a story I heard about briefly tonight... my first thought would be that you'd be on it.

    Oh and you bet I'll be over to see those Cereus blooms K-Head! I used to grow those back in college/grad school days and they're spectacular! I could only ever count on maybe 5 blooms a year here (had to grow indoors) but I bet where you are they just go nutz. My original plant I got back in 1977 in college, where I snagged a cutting off the college greenhouse's wall and grew it from there. Unfortunately, we parted ways in 1988 when I had to give up all my plants to move to Florida, aka Desth's Waiting Room. So I'll just have to enjoy yours since I don't have mine anymore! Thanks, buddy!

    Now, since I'm not posting from my garden, I would like to at least comment on a few things we've noticed growing around town on the way to work and back each day. Don't know if I mentioned it, but we planted both giant green and 'dwarf' red Castors. Well our green ones are about 4' tall now, the red ones not so much....yeah, gotta get a picture. Anyway, we noticed a big green one planted in a house in the area! Not something you see everyday, so we were gratified someone else appreciates them. And those green ones, if we're lucky will probably top out at about 10-12' by frost, with blooms I hope! Also keep seeing this very very happy Lord Baltimore Hibiscus blooming away every morning, along with some disco belles... we're seeing a lot more of those around the neighborhood, and are always glad to see them. So that's the report from around here... anything interesting out your way?

    btw Olivia, I vow to get you a pic of the daturas soon... they're freaking out on the north side of the house and I think I saw at least a dozen blooming out there tonight! Beware the pods ....

  7. Hi IVG.

    Relax and enjoy yourself. Don't let work get to you and slack when possible.

  8. hey, IVG just listen to family man, he's got the recipe for a relaxed life all figured out.

    Lookin' forward to your return when ya got sumptin'

  9. {{IVG}} I totally understand having to take a break. We'll be waiting whenever you're ready to come back. Take care of yourself. xxoo -kb

  10. Not impatient. Perfectly capable of waiting. Tap, tap, tap.

    :p Ignore me.

  11. For when you come back. No hurry. Really. :) Do you have any crepe myrtle trees? Do you have any advice about them? I saw one today with hot pink blossoms and it was sooo gorgeous. I'd like to put a couple or three along the side of our place. Not right this minute, but maybe this fall, or next spring, depending on the wisdom of either.

  12. Hm, CRAPE myrtle, sorry. I also realized you're probably out of the zone for them. We've been re-ranked Zone 6 here in Kansas, so we're edging closer, and I've seen a couple of healthy ones, so I think it's worth a try.

  13. Hey folks, I'm back briefly before the next week hits (last week barely ended since I had to bring work home). Fernymoss was really nice and took some very good pics today, so I hope to be showcasing those over the next few days at least!

    Hotter than blazes (of course, the state fair starts this week) here but we have had some late night storms moving through that have given us some nice rain, followed by sauna conditions during the day. I was out tonight just long enough to grill dinner and back in sweating like the proverbial --insert choice.

    Nancy I know about Crape Myrtles and have seen them mostly in the south and don't think I've seen them around here, but they may exist. I'm really not very good at trees to be honest, and only know the more common ones I see. Sorry I can't help out there, but the google ought to find you something! (If not, ask Olivia, the queen of fast searches.) Though I think we're right on the cusp of Zone 6 these days so who knows!

    Movie pick of the weekend: Hot Fuzz! If you're a fan of Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright's work (as I am!), you'll love their follow up to the wildly popular Shaun of the Dead. Just more inspired silliness with an overwrought absurd plot that will keep you more than entertained for two hours. It just came out this week, so I bet even FM can find this one where he is. Unless they don't allow English films down there... hehe.

    Look for a post soon from Fernymoss, as I head my nose back to the grindstone for yet another week.

  14. HI, IVG, and thanks. I did, in fact, google, and it has encouraged me to give it a try. I'll do the shrub myrtles, not the trees.

    I hope neither you nor your brain melt this hot week.

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Go green and get your hands dirty!