Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Bleeding Hearts

A favorite species in generations of gardens from probably the Victorians onward, the apparently delicate Bleeding Heart (Dicentra spectabilis) is an absolute must-have for any serious perennial gardener! And as much as I hate to keep repeating it, this is another flower that suffered greatly during the recent deep freeze period ... in fact we weren't sure that they'd even recover, after going from thriving 1-1/2 foot plants to a mass of what looked like limp spaghetti, they have finally re-emerged, a bit smaller, more stunted, but still determined to bloom. Believe me, when we saw them coming back, there was significant rejoicing around Casa IVG! These specimens were among the very first perennials we planted back in spring 1999, and have a bit of a reputation in the neighborhood for their ability to reach nearly gigantic heights... most years they top out at about 3-1/2 - 4 feet tall! I doubt they'll get that big this year, but just seeing them survive a very harsh period is testament alone to the tenacity of this old-fashioned favorite.

Ours are planted among maidenhair and leatherwood ferns toward the back of our Woodland garden, where they create a lush backdrop for the other shade perennials planted nearer the sidewalk. If you look closely at other photos of this part of the garden, you'll likely see Dicentra lurking among the other flora.

Cultivation is really pretty simple ... just give them a mostly shady position (early morning light is ideal) in moist, well-drained loamy soil, and once established they are practically indestructible. (April 2007 was proof of that!) Ours have created such a thick crown of growth over the past eight years that if we even tried to divide them, we'd probably end up ruining a shovel or destroying their territory. So we leave well enough alone, and if we have a few too many volunteers (which does happen, thanks to self-seeding!) we just move them or give them as a gift to another gardener who will appreciate them. As my sister has learned the hard way, the worst thing you can do to Dicentra is to plant it in a too sunny spot (e.g. full southern exposure) where it is subject to heat and lack of moisture ... though it will take a year or two to kill them that way, they will not bloom long each spring and will disappear at the first hint of June heat. Give them the cool shade they crave, and the foliage and even a few sporadic blooms will last well into the summer. Once they start turning yellow and dying back, you can safely cut them back and let them rest until the following spring, where they will come back to reward you with masses of blooms once again.


  1. Pink! ;)

    These are such beautiful flowers. Dainty little jewels ... :) I'm so happy to hear that they've come back IVG. They are really one of the flowers I look forward to seeing each spring ... I can see how yours is an eye-catcher being that large!

    Love that top photo btw ... the way the blooms drape across the frame.

  2. I agree with Olivia. When I opened the top picture for a larger view and looked at the second one from the right, the first thing that popped into my head was a confectionery decoration you would see on a cake. :)

    Hope you day is going good and w/e is almost here.

  3. Glad you liked this one Olivia, FM and Biby ... I've always thought that bleeding hearts were one of those flowers we remember most from our childhood wonder days ... how they could blossom so perfectly, yet complete their cycle in a rather mundane way (they put on little bean-like seed pods from the flowers).

    They've always been an essential in my conception of the perfect perennial border, and with their quite simple demands, there's no reason anyone should deprive themselves of such beauty. Fussy? No. Rewarding? Immensely.

    btw Biby, interesting blog you have as well! Will have to stop by more often to see what you've been up to.


Go green and get your hands dirty!