Monday, April 16, 2007

Sneak Inner Bits Preview

I couldn't resist sneaking just a wee preview of things to come soon from last year's archives! So here's a tulip, the likes of which we're unlikely to see this year in the garden ... one of our beloved Darwin oranges. I got a bit snoopy and penetrated the inner depths of this one just to see what kind of effect I could get, and I was rather delighted to see the results here!

Recently Olivia suggested that I do a series of inner bits shots from various tulips, just to compare the variations in patterns they each exhibit, so this will be the first in a short ongoing project here. It is amazing to see how different they can be, depending on the hue and variety of tulip .... and those who know me constantly hear me preach, the Darwin varieties are by far the best of your basic tulips. They remain true to form for years and don't tend to poop out in a few years, nor do they tend to disappear or revert to previous forms much like the fancier varieties often do. And if any tulip justifies the "perennial bulb" moniker, it is surely the Darwins, since they bloom faithfully every year and even can spread over time (so I've read but not witnessed yet). If you're wanting to plant some resplendent tulips that you only have to really deal with once (planting!), and who come in amazing ranges of colors, then look into purchasing a good quantity and planting them in masses ... surrounded by Muscari ("Grape Hyacinth") or Scilla siberica OR Scilla hispanica ("Woodland Hyacinth") and you can't go wrong. As I like to remind my bulb intimidated friends ... all the hard work happens once, then you sit back and patiently await their arrival in the spring! And success with these beauties only breeds a fervent desire for more ... just ask us if you don't believe me on that one!

A couple of garden notes: Earlier, after I posted the other entries, I took another walk around to survey the garden and the inevitable devastation. The good news is that it looks as though the Columbines are going to recover and are putting on new growth ... the primroses are hanging in there and I think will bloom still, albeit late ... Woodland Hyacinths are springing up all over and thanks to their later emergence, don't seem to have suffered from the recent cold. BUT, the most exciting thing I discovered was that the two red Trilliums we first planted last year are up, budding out and getting ready to bloom! I'm really anxious to be able to share those with you, as you will be seeing them bloom for the first time, just like us ... The peonies have emerged as well, and though short still, they look unscathed. And though our iris out front were early to emerge, they seem to have weathered the cold pretty well and look to be working their way up to a great show this year ... as long as they don't immediately get beaten down by a hard rain, as was the case last year. I'll be really thrilled to get them up here when the time comes .... So, all in all, there may be hope yet for the garden, and for any dedicated gardener, there's always some way to find hope that things green and floriferous will find their ways to right the world, even if we humans are unable to do so.

And speaking of Irises ... Olivia has some lovely shots of molested blooms up now ... so hop on over and take a look at these luscious finds from the florist's!


  1. Can't wait to see your trillium! And that's great news about the columbine.

    The tulip IBs project is off to a great start here ... I can't believe how bright they are ... fantastic photo IVG. :)

  2. Nice series of pics...

    I was planning to do a pictorial of the frost damage around FAR Manor, but my weekend was pretty much wifed out (what wasn't blown away by high winds).

    The butterfly bushes are withered big-time, but they're already sprouting fresh replacement leaves. Those SOBs are dang near impossible to kill; usually the best you can hope for is keep them from taking over the entire yard. The flowering cherry didn't seem to mind the cold nearly as much as the wind, and the pansies like it cold.

  3. Good morning IVG, Olivia and FARfetched.

    Wonderful tulip pictures IVG and I agree with Olivia that it is getting off to a great start. We still have some tulips blooming, but they don't look as bright and alive as yours do.

    Alas I have to do yard work this week sometime. :(

    Keep the pictures and post coming IVG. It's always so beautiful and educational when you post.

    Hope your day and week goes good for you.

  4. Hey there folks, and great to see you stopping by again!

    So I guess you too, Far, had that cold dip down your way? Guess we've been so wrapped up on our own that we didn't notice it going on elsewhere. Amazing to hear that you almost killed a buttefly bush? We lost a few of those one harsh winter (99-2000) and had heard they had weed status elsewhere... just not here! At least it's not kudzu, right?

    I guess I should have made it clearer in the previous post that I'm raiding the archives for these nice tulip pics ... our tulip show is gonna be pretty slim and pathetic this year, I'm afraid, thus the idea to do an "IB" project series of posts.

    I will, however, as soon as there are good pics of real stuff going on now, you'll be sure to see it here first!

  5. Heh... IVG, I'd heard the best way to kill a weed is to make it something useful. Poke salad becomes greens, and kudzu makes basket-weaving material, and the butterfly bushes are pretty to have around — they have two bloom cycles on this planet (although I think the first one will get cancelled this year).

    Doesn't seem to make any of them go away, though.

    Hm. I need to cut some kudzu before it starts greening up.


Go green and get your hands dirty!