Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Whole Enchilada ...

Ok, so it's not really an enchilada, it's the holiday tree! We've been trying to get some good shots of all (or most of) it, and will probably get a few more before all is said and done, because we want to get the presents in as well ... along with any cooperative santa pups!

This should give some better perspective as to where some of the previously posted ornaments actually are found on the tree ... and I will work on getting some close ups of those new glass hummingbirds I found super cheap at World Market yesterday, as I was finishing up my shopping. As of about 5:00 pm on Friday, I was officially, categorically DONE with shopping for gifts! And I must say, though I restrained myself somewhat this year, people are doing well by me nonetheless!
And the dogs ... they're eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Dog late tomorrow night, as they lie asleep dreaming of biscuits and meaty treats and bones to come ... And with any luck, at some point tomorrow night, our very own Santa (Pepa) Dog will make an appearance here! That's a post I will definitely make, even if it comes late at night (as Santa Dog does, anyway!) ... I have to admit we really get a kick out of the dogs unwrapping their presents (yes, there will be pics!) and this year they're doing very well... Pepa gets a stuffed cow toy, Rolly is getting a tugging ring with a tennis ball, and Andy is getting a stuffed pig (no irony there, lol!) As well as they will get Puperonis, a bone each, biscuits, Scooby Snacks and mini t-bone steaks and jerky treats ... they'll be set for treats for some time to come! But, you know, the holiday is for children (of all ages) and dogs, so we have to do it up right! Then Monday night, we all collapse in our post-frenzied wallow in paper and gifts, to dream the dreams of the partially contented ... at least for one night. That bit of the magic still remains for us old farts, if only for a day or two ... but it's a great feeling while it lasts!

Still working on finishing up my baking and candy making... I bought 8 pounds of butter and have currently used about 6 I think, between all the cookies I made yesterday and the candy today (3 batches of peanut brittle, 2 of pecan and almond toffee) ... I've been busy! And the house has been smelling great to boot! We always theorize that this is the dogs' favorite holiday... what we think they probably call "The holiday of good smells," even though it does drive them a bit batty with all the great cookie and candy smells wafting through the house ...

So with that, I'll bid a good night to all, and to all a good night! More festivities to come, so give a look again in the next day or two!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the full views of the tree IVG! I still have to get mine decorated, so I'll get some shots and ornaments too in the next couple of days. (One of the pros and cons w/ multiple christmases I suppose ... they go on and on and on ...)


Go green and get your hands dirty!