Friday, December 15, 2006

Proof that Halloween never dies ...

At least at our house, it doesn't ,,, and this is one of the odder finds I've made in the past few years, one which C fell instantly in love with, though he didn't want to spring for the price of this one ... Another Polish made glass ornament. They do them well in Poland, I have to admit, and this is one that rarely gets put away, and finds a place elsewhere in the house during the rest of the year. Say what you will, but we think she's pretty fetching as she flies by the blue moon at the top of the tree, which is where you can see her now ...

This should suffice for one night, but I'll be posting more in the following days, if for no other reason than to catalogue the eclectitude of our tree!


  1. Hooray, you're back in action, and it looks like I'm the first to find out! (Sheesh, am I the only one who uses RSS to watch for new blog posts?)

    I love that seahorse ornament. The other ones are pretty cool too... looking forward to seeing more pix.

    I have a six-pack ornament that Mrs. Fetched and Daughter Dearest somehow manage to miss putting up... every single year. And it has happy feet, too... I put it on the tree and it finds its way back to the box.

  2. Hi there Far! Glad you stopped by, and yeah, it's been a while ...
    Talking about that six pack reminds me that I have a pyramid of champagne glasses and bottle that I've not put up yet, so will have to do that tonight. Funny how those ornaments others don't appreciate seem to "move" or "hide" huh?

    Though I vowed not to buy new ones this year, I couldn't resist on a few and got a new hummingbird one last night while we were at World Market and he'll show up here soon along with the other birds ...

    Thanks again for stopping in and do come back to see the rest of the ones I'll be posting soon.

  3. Oooh ... can't wait to see the hummingbird!


Go green and get your hands dirty!