Saturday, December 16, 2006

Mushroom Festival In Hell

And now, without further obscure references, here we have a detail shot near the top of the tree, highlighting the mushroom we found at World Market.

Not the best focus we've ever gotten, but we think the perspectives are at least entertaining ... I kind of prefer the first shot without the flash myself, since it captures the light play better ...

See what you think ...


  1. Why-oh-why do I click on your links when you've clearly warned me w/ the 'obscure references' ... lol ... ;)

    I like the top one better too -- the golden colour.

    And I've never seen a mushroom or a seahorse on a tree ... :)

  2. Olivia, you know me and my links, lol. Reason I put that one up is because ween does a song called "Mushroom Festival in Hell," which was C's reaction to the shot when we looked at it the other night, thus the post title!

    We do tend to go for the odd and esoteric ornaments, and we're amazed at some of the things you can get that cater to many interests ... I even saw a glass dredal the other night, which was a real head scratcher for me ... even though I have had Jewish friends who put up trees, but still....


Go green and get your hands dirty!