Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hiatus, interrupted

Yes, it's been a while, hasn't it? Hope those toes aren't worn out on your shoes, FM ... but seriously, my apologies to any who have been coming by and gotten tired of the Halloween pictures! Frankly, I'm really tired of them too! So with the change of holiday seasons full bore upon us all, I've decided to share a bit of our current holiday decorations day by day till Billy Bob leaves me a nice fat fifth of bourbon (Woodford Reserve would be nice) under the tree. And if you haven't already started your cycle of holiday themed movies, here's a delightfully nasty one to get you started.

So, here's the saga of the IVG household HOLIDAY TREE ... we bought a really nice, fat, full Scotch Pine a couple of weekends ago and brought it home. We left it on the porch for a few days in a bucket of water to keep it fresh ... that is until it froze and we brought it in last Thursday night to thaw out. Friday was the way too long ordeal of getting this huge 7 foot by probably 5 foot tree ensconced in the stand until it no longer wanted to fall over! Saturday found us installing some 750 lights ... 300 "Shimmer" lights (which are a very cool discovery I made at an after holiday sale at Sears last year), some 300 multicolor rainbow chasers and I think about 150 faceted multicolor lights ... in short, a lot of lights. Sunday was spent hauling up the multitude of ornaments we have collected over the years, some of which are very nostalgic for us (examples you'll see in the ensuing days), as well as a host of newer ones we have gotten in recent years. And since Monday, we've been adding to the tree every night, and think we're just about done at this point. Time to start wrapping gifts and getting them under the tree.

Yes, it's that other manic time of the year around here... the holiday decorating, baking and celebrating frenzy. I'm girding myself mightily to face the avalanche of tasks ahead in the next week or so ... marathon baking and candy making (if anyone's interested in recipes, I can supply them, just ask Olivia) ... you know, the stuff we all gladly obsess about before the big day arrives. But this is definitely the other high holiday for us, the one in which we get to express our appreciation for those in our immediate life surroundings and hope that carries us through this wretched year and well into the next one.

So, without getting too much more philosophical on the subject tonight (I have a report to finish writing on Friday... Ack), I'll just start out with a few posts on some of our favorite ornaments you'll find on the tree in our house right now. I hope you enjoy them and let me know if you want to see more. Well you probably will, whether you want or not, so consider yourself forewarned.

The two shots here are of what we've nicknamed "Sinister Santa," a detail from near the top of the tree ... the other is (despite its delicious blurryness) called "Twinkle Wonderland." We had fun taking these, and there are many more in store, so stop back in for further views. I even promise we'll get some decent shots of the whole tree at some point ...


  1. Yay, you're back. Love it! A whole bunch of new posts and some great pix too ... Looking forward to seeing them all. :)

    I finally got my tree yesterday - a fraser fir that smells delicious. I love the idea of tree blogging, and you've inspired me to do the same. :)

  2. Ooh, good! I was hoping I might see some of your ornaments too... but I actually have to credit C with the idea of ornament blogging since he thought it would be a fun idea (for ME to do, of course!)

    We're still working on the best way to get shots of these... we try w/out the flash and get nice light effects but a bit on the blurry side... flash gets the details, but also tends to wash the colors out a bit. Maybe we'll find the happy medium soon, or else I may be tempted by those ads for the new Fuji Finepix cameras that do light and color adjustments automatically. I'm scared to check out the prices though, so will probably just stick w/my old faithful 2650 for now! I think flowers are easier, to be quite honest!

  3. Woohoo! FamilyMan wasn't the only one tapping his feet :) Thanks for sharing these photos, IVG, I'm enjoying the tree thing vicariously through you this year since I didn't put up a tree at my apartment and my parents decided that they would be insane and get a potted rosemary "tree" instead of the real mccoy. (I'm bitter)


Go green and get your hands dirty!