Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Get Well Soon Wish for Family Mom!

I was sad to learn this weekend that Family Man's mother (Family Mom) fell in their hotel room during a trip they made to Little Rock to visit a relative in the hospital there. Apparently she fractured her shoulder in the fall and also suffered some minor injuries to the face ... according to the last I read, she is recovering well, though a fall for anyone of her age is always a reason for some concern. I know, that with my hip injury from a few years ago, I dread such episodes myself, so it was even more distressing for me to hear about this episode.

So this is my small way of hoping I can cheer both of them up a bit with some saucy, bright Convolvulus from our front garden ... I hope their cheery yellow and white centers will brighten their day a bit and help put this unfortunate occurrence behind them!


  1. IVG thank you so much for the well wishes, good thoughts and the flowers. Now that I have wireless, I'll take this in and show FMom. I'm sure it will brighten her day and bring a smile to her as it did me.

    No apologies necessary for the date stamp. Actually if it was right, I would be saying we need to set up a booth somewhere and have you read the future for people. :)

  2. I'm afraid I'd be a very bad fortune teller! I'd better stick to grubbing in the dirt and making things grow, since I know I can do that, lol!

    I'm hoping this week is a much better one for both you and FMom ... any time you need more flowers, just holler!

  3. Nice one, IVG. I should have thought of that.

    Anyway, you can change the date stamp when you compose or edit your blog entry — look for the stuff under the text box. If it's not there, hit Preview then Hide Preview and it will come up.

  4. IVG I finally got to the point where I could take the computer up to FMom and show her the flowers and what you wrote.

    You definitely brightened her day. She kept smiling and saying how sweet it was, and that she had someone in Iowa sending her a get well.

    IVG you're a gem that shines brightly in mine and FMom's eyes. Thank you so much again.

  5. IVG what a wonderfully sweet gesture! Your Convolvulus flowers are so cheery, what a great flower to send as a get well! :)

  6. Hi Far, glad you stopped by! I tried that last night several times and it still refused to change it so I just gave up! Thanks for the tip though ... any others you have to demystify the quirkiness of blogger will be appreciated too! (btw, I need to get you on the blogroll!)

  7. Howdy again, FM! Well I'm glad to hear I helped cheer up your day down there, as that was my intent. Sometimes I actually get the result I aim for, lol.

    Just let me know if FMom would like any more flowers and I'll put something together for her... I still need to get a lot more Zinnia pictures taken before they start winding down, so maybe a virtual digital bouquet is in order... hmm, let me work on what we've still got going out there.

    Oh yeah, and Olivia, I need to get on those morning glories again ... they've got the fence covered in pink and purple!

  8. Update for Far...
    Glory be! Blogger cooperated tonight when I went to go change the time/date stamp. Thanks again for the reminder/tip, and woo hoo, I've got you on the blogroll now! I'll be stopping by more often now...

  9. Great!

    I depend heavily on RSS these days to see which blog-buddies have updates. It's nice having a browser (Safari) where that functionality is built-in; I just have to hit the Blogs menu in the bookmark bar & it shows who and how many. ;-)


Go green and get your hands dirty!