Monday, June 26, 2006


Having just gone through several weeks of no, to minimal rain, it was a relief this weekend to finally see some significant precipitation finally move through our area. Though I've been diligently watering through the dry spell, there's nothing quite like the magic that a real, natural rain can perform on the garden in crucial moments. And, honestly, this was a make or break weekend for me at least .... lots of plants are ready to go into their prime blooming phases and the mini-drought we've had has kept them in check so far. And, with any luck, we've broken the cycle at this point and are moving on to showier days in the garden.

But still, this shot, taken after the last major shower to move through tonight, gives a nice detailed perspective of one area of the front boulder bed.

Foreground, of course, is taken up by the maturing blooms of Sea Holly (Eryngium maritimum), with views of Bee Balm and Echinacea in the back, as well as Porcupine Grass. While closer you can see glimpses of Silver Mound (Artemisia schmidtiana) and even a bit of Bells of Ireland. I was hoping for a great waterdrops effect shot, but didn't get it. Better next time, I hope. In any case, I think this is an exceptional view of the detail of Finger Rock, and that's the view from our garden world today...

I will have a more detailed post on Sea Holly soon here, so stay on the beat ....


  1. Everything's looking really good IVG!

  2. Wonderful what a little rain can do. Of course I'm cursing the little shower we got because the grass it growing. :)

  3. OK no one else seems to be asking, so I will.

    When are we going to get somemore pictures and commentary. You've got me hooked now. :)

  4. I'm not saying a word, ::arms folded and foot tapping.:: nope, not a word.

    But if I were going to say something.... nope, not a word, not a single word. :)

  5. I'll just sit down here next to FM ... and wait. ;-)

  6. Hello ... hello ... hellooooooooo ... Got a good echo in here ... here ... hereeeeeeee ...


  7. PS. We miss you IVG ... :)

  8. I'm not saying a word, nope, not a word.

    Well I will say what Olivia said. We do miss you. Plus I don't know what I'm going to write about without more words to google.

    Like I said, I'm not going to say a word though. :)

  9. You two are waaay too kind, and I appreciate the sentiment very much. I know I've been AWOL for what seems like ages now, but I am on the crawl back up toward getting this blog updated more often. Don't lose patience, and with any luck I may have a few more entries up by later this week. There are ideas percolating, I've just not gotten them down in words yet. And this pesky tendency of mine to fall asleep early lately has been keeping me from writing ... somehow I'll get it all in synch soon. Promise, my friends. See you in the lounge later, I hope!

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